St Mabyn Village News

News from the village of St.Mabyn in North Cornwall...

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

St Mabyn Church Restoration Appeal

We are reaching the end of Phase One and thanks to incredible support and the promise of grants from the Church's Special Repairs Fund and also from the Friends we will be able to show English Heritage that we WILL be able to pay our share of the bills for Phase Two, so we will be permitted to go ahead and scaffolding will go up next year! Fund-raising will have to continue as we need to raise all the money - otherwise the accounts of the Special Repairs Fund and the Friends will be cleaned out and future maintenance both routine (the Friends remit) and extra special (the PCC's emit) will be impossible. Work is needed on both the tower and its pinnacles and also the great East window (the Hext memorial window) will need attention, so the Show goes on!!

We have a Coffee Morning by kind invitation of Esther Old on Friday 25 January, at Estmond, Station Road, 10am - 12noon and yet again the Slates will be there. They are filling up fast as we record the generosity of the donors so far. It has been encouraging to hear that so many people, whilst not being regular church-goers now still want the building there as part of our built heritage and also for the benefit of future loved one, for baptisms, marriages and funerals. We have received some generous donations from families represented in all three categories.

Next summer we intend to continue the successful programme of Summer Music with a monthly concert in this wonderful venue - all the musicians who perform there praise the acoustics. Jennifer Tarring, our Appeal Hon Sec and former Secretary to the Wadebridge Music Festival will coordinate this and details and dates are still being worked out though we know we kick off with Duchy Opera in May.

Date for the Diary is Friday 29 February when we welcome our Patron, Bishop Bill before he retires and it will be good to report that our project is succeeding.
Abigail Kirby-Harris


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