St Mabyn Parish Council 1st September 2009
Notes from agreed Minutes of the Meeting of St Mabyn Parish Council held on Tuesday, 1st September 2009 at 7.30pm in the St Mabyn Memorial Hall.
Present: Cllrs. L Wood(Chairman),K Brown (Vice Chairman),C Hodges,A Titcomb,A Finnamore, IKemp.
Also attending: Mrs J Hoskin (Parish Clerk) Cllr J Rowe (Cornwall Council)
Cornwall Council: Cllr J Rowe discussed the Midas planning application and the work to review the work of the Wadebridge / Padstow Community Network Panel.
Cllr J Rowe agreed to look at a highway problem (sunken trench) in Wadebridge Road and pursue the Council in getting contractors May Guerney to carry out a repair.
Councillors were made aware of the recent vandalism caused in the playing field and the damage to vehicles.
Apologies for non attendance were received from Cllrs. Miss C Barry, Mrs H Barrett, R Heath.
Councillors present agreed that a copy of the Parish Council approved minutes be displayed on the notice board at Longstone.
Planning Appeal: The Clerk reported that an appeal had been made to the Department of Communities and Local Government against the Cornwall Council decision to refuse permission for the following application:- 2009/00382 Mr N Embly,Mabena House,Watergate Lane,St Mabyn –Erection of second storey extension to rear and replacement of flat roof extension with a pitched roof.
Playing Field / Provision of new play equipment (grant funded): Cllr C Hodges reported on the recent inspections. Cllr L Wood agreed to complete the inspection for the forthcoming month. The contractor will be asked to rake over the wood chip, and Councillors agreed that additional wood chip be purchased to “top up” the play areas.
The Clerk was liaising with the Chairman to seek additional grant money for the provision of a roundabout.
CCC Local Maintenance Project - Parish Footpaths: Cllr K Brown reported that he had met with the parishioner who had raised the issue of the overgrown bridleway at Trevisquite (544/9/1) and the contractor had been instructed to carry out trimming work.
The adjacent landowner had agreed to trim back overhanging trees.
Allotments: The Parish Council currently had only two definite expressions of interest for allotments. Some residents previously interested had sought alternative sites.
Parish Council Notice Board outside Memorial Hall: Having looked at the condition of the notice board, Councillors agreed that the wooden posts be repaired/replaced.
Cornwall Council – Confirmation that no requests for an election to fill the Parish Council vacancy had been received, stating that the Parish Council can now make arrangements for co-option.
Present: Cllrs. L Wood(Chairman),K Brown (Vice Chairman),C Hodges,A Titcomb,A Finnamore, IKemp.
Also attending: Mrs J Hoskin (Parish Clerk) Cllr J Rowe (Cornwall Council)
Cornwall Council: Cllr J Rowe discussed the Midas planning application and the work to review the work of the Wadebridge / Padstow Community Network Panel.
Cllr J Rowe agreed to look at a highway problem (sunken trench) in Wadebridge Road and pursue the Council in getting contractors May Guerney to carry out a repair.
Councillors were made aware of the recent vandalism caused in the playing field and the damage to vehicles.
Apologies for non attendance were received from Cllrs. Miss C Barry, Mrs H Barrett, R Heath.
Councillors present agreed that a copy of the Parish Council approved minutes be displayed on the notice board at Longstone.
Planning Appeal: The Clerk reported that an appeal had been made to the Department of Communities and Local Government against the Cornwall Council decision to refuse permission for the following application:- 2009/00382 Mr N Embly,Mabena House,Watergate Lane,St Mabyn –Erection of second storey extension to rear and replacement of flat roof extension with a pitched roof.
Playing Field / Provision of new play equipment (grant funded): Cllr C Hodges reported on the recent inspections. Cllr L Wood agreed to complete the inspection for the forthcoming month. The contractor will be asked to rake over the wood chip, and Councillors agreed that additional wood chip be purchased to “top up” the play areas.
The Clerk was liaising with the Chairman to seek additional grant money for the provision of a roundabout.
CCC Local Maintenance Project - Parish Footpaths: Cllr K Brown reported that he had met with the parishioner who had raised the issue of the overgrown bridleway at Trevisquite (544/9/1) and the contractor had been instructed to carry out trimming work.
The adjacent landowner had agreed to trim back overhanging trees.
Allotments: The Parish Council currently had only two definite expressions of interest for allotments. Some residents previously interested had sought alternative sites.
Parish Council Notice Board outside Memorial Hall: Having looked at the condition of the notice board, Councillors agreed that the wooden posts be repaired/replaced.
Cornwall Council – Confirmation that no requests for an election to fill the Parish Council vacancy had been received, stating that the Parish Council can now make arrangements for co-option.
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