St Mabyn Village News

News from the village of St.Mabyn in North Cornwall...

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

St Mabyn Parish Council

Agreed minutes of the Meeting of St Mabyn Parish Council held on Tuesday, 6th October 2009 at 7.30pm in the St Mabyn Memorial Hall.
Present: Cllrs. L Wood (Chairman), K Brown (Vice Chairman), A Titcomb, I Kemp, R Heath, C Hodges, Mrs H Barrett, A Finnamore, Miss C Barry.
Also attending: Mrs J Hoskin (Parish Clerk) Cllr J Rowe (Cornwall Council)Sarah Sims (Cornwall Council Community Network Manager – Wadebridge/Padstow Area Fifty Two members of the public including Mrs Puttock (Headteacher of St Mabyn School), Mrs Holmes (Headteacher of St Tudy School), MP Dan Rogerson (Liberal Democrat MP for North Cornwall), representatives from the Governing Bodies of both schools, and members of the two Community Action Groups.
Public Session: The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and invited the public to address the Council if they so wished. Mrs Puttock addressed the meeting and explained that she was retiring in December 2009, and that talks had been held throughout the year between the Education Authority, the Diocese Board of Education, the two Governing Bodies and teaching staff to discuss a federation for the joint management of both schools. Parent meetings had been held before the school summer holidays and both sets of Governors had met to discuss the results of a consultation.
Cost issues and matters concerning the identified site had cancelled previous plans to build a new school at St Tudy, although an allocation of funding had been reserved until 2011. A possible solution to address the issues of falling pupil number in St Mabyn and the outdated facilities at St Tudy could be to build one school for both communities.
Matthew Slater, representing the newly formed Community Action Group reported on their campaign to oppose the closure of both schools and their fight to retain the facilities in both villages, the disappointment in the lack of consultation with parents regarding the federation and talks to merge, and the effect the closure of the schools would have on the two communities and the facilities such as the post offices, shops, village hall, churches etc.
The site currently identified for a new school was Longstone and this was considered to be totally unacceptable location owing to its locality, the danger of having to cross the main B3266 road and the hazardous Longstone junction. Children would not be able to walk or cycle from St Mabyn village and all children from St Tudy would require vehicle transport.
Although much disappointment was expressed about the way the Governing Bodies had dealt with this situation, it was stated that they were acting in the best interest of the children.
MP Dan Rogerosn had attended to listen to the comments made, and felt that although a federation was not harmful and possibly the way forward, both schools played a very important part in each of their communities and without further facts and information he would, at this time, not support the closure of the two schools.
The Chairman read a letter from Sian Flynn (prospective Parliamentary Conservative Candidate for North Cornwall), again opposing any plans for the school closures.
Cllr J Rowe expressed his disappointment that, as a member of Cornwall Council for this ward, he had not received any information, or consultation on the federation or possible closures until now, when it was a member of the public who had first brought the matter to his attention. The two villages needed to work together to achieve the best possible solution.
Sarah Sims (Cornwall Council Community Network Manager for the Wadebridge / Padstow Network Area) noted the comments expressed regarding the schools. Mrs Sims explained the set up of the 19 networks throughout Cornwall and their role in the local communities, to increase community engagement, address local issues, support Parish and Town Councils, and work closely together with them, the police, the local health authority and other organisations. Also to assist in Active Partnering, applications for grant funding and contracts. The Wadebridge / Padstow Network consisted of 12 parishes and two towns, and was the first network to trial the Cornwall Council Highway Stewardship Scheme.
The next informal Community Network meeting was being held on Thursday, 22nd October 2009 at Egloshayle.
The Chairman had extended this part of the meeting until 8.15pm, after which the majority of the public left, with five parishioners and Cllr J Rowe remaining. (Cllr R Heath left the meeting at 8.20pm, along with the members of the public)
Planning Applications / Planning Matters:
2009/01227 Mrs RA Dungey, Pitt Farm, St Mabyn –
Lifting of Condition 2 on 90/2056 (annex use only) to allow the dwelling to be occupied as a separate unit of accommodation (separate dwelling house).
Resolved to authorise Cllrs L Wood and A Titcomb to seek further information. Cllr Mrs H Barrett abstained.
2009/01069 Mr N Embley, Mabena House, Watergate Lane, St Mabyn – Removal of timber roof and replace with pitched slate roof – Approved.
Planning Training: Cllr A Titcomb briefed the Council on the planning training session he attended on 5th October 2009, in particular the importance of development boundaries and identified sites.
Playing Field / Provision of new play equipment (grant funded): The new disabled swing was being installed on the 19th October 2009. The Chairman had met with Sarah Sims and a colleague to discuss further grant application options to “top up” the remainder of the grant previously received from North Cornwall District Council. It was agreed that alternative ideas be explored as the adapted roundabout for the disabled / pushchairs was hugely expensive and beyond the grant money currently held by the Parish Council.
Cllr C Hodges agreed to complete the inspections for the forthcoming month.
CCC Local Maintenance Project – Parish Footpaths: Cllr K Brown reported that the resident at Trevisquite had expressed his thanks to the Parish Council in arranging for the bridleway to be trimmed (544/9/1).
Parish Council Vacancy: One application of interest had been received from Mr Ross Francis. The Council agreed to co-opt Mr Francis and invite him to attend and sign his ”Declaration” at the meeting in November 2009.


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