St Mabyn Village News

News from the village of St.Mabyn in North Cornwall...

Monday, March 15, 2010

Meeting with E V Thompson

Celebrated author E V Thompson will speak on how Bodmin Moor inspired him to use it as the setting for many of his earlier novels at the next meeting of the Camel Valley and Bodmin Moor Protection Society. The meeting will be held at Coombeshead, Lewannick on Wednesday 12 May.The Society aims to improve and protect for the benefit of the public the towns, villages and countryside within the Society's area of concern. It monitors and when necessary opposes inappropriate applications for the development of land and buildings and works to secure the best options for the public good.. There is also a very pleasant social side to activities, with three meetings a year where social gatherings combine with a talk from appropriately qualified professionals. The most recent was a talk by a planning specialist lawyer, proving very topical for the current concerns, as the Society is  busy with a campaign to oppose the Davidstow Windfarm.The meeting with E V Thompson will be on a much lighter note. For more details of the Society, including how to join please contact the Secretary, Nicola Mundy on 01208-812915


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