St Mabyn Village News

News from the village of St.Mabyn in North Cornwall...

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Minutes of the Meeting of St Mabyn Parish Council held on Tuesday, 7thJanuary 2014 in the Memorial Hall, St Mabyn at 7.30pm.

Present:  Cllrs. A Finnamore (Chairman), M Grigg (Vice Chairman), Mrs A Martin, Mrs C Bray,
R Clark, M Menhenitt, R Chadwick.

Also attending:  Mrs J Hoskin (Parish Clerk)
                                    Three members of the public

1.Public Session:  The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, wishing everyone a Happy New Year, and invited the members of the public to address the Council if they so wished.
Items reported included:-
o   The dog bins overflowing.  The Chairman reported this had been reported and was due to changes in the collection times over the Christmas / New Year period.
o   The excavated trench in Wadebridge Road required ‘topping up’.
o   The potholes near the junction with the B3266.
o   A vehicle accident near Dinhams Bridge where the driver had swerved to miss a tractor had hit a bad pothole (St Kew parish)
o   The weeds encroaching over the brick paved area in the Burial Ground (The Council agreed to instruct the contractor to weed spray this area when weather conditions improve).

Cornwall Council – No report received.

Police:  No report received.  The Clerk had received the 2014 visit dates for the police mobile surgery.  These will be displayed on the notice boards.

2.  Apologies for non attendance were received from Cllrs. Mrs P Lloyd, S Collop, J Rowe (Cornwall Council).

3.  Members Declarations of Interest:  None declared at this stage of the meeting.

4.  Minutes:  The Minutes of the Meeting held on the 3rd December 2013, as circulated, were confirmed and signed by the Chairman.

5.  Matters Arising: 
Item 1 – Public Session:  The Clerk will follow up the report of the missing signs.

6.  Planning Applications / Planning Matters: There were no applications presented for consideration at this meeting.

Planning Decisions:
PA13/09321  Miss Nicholls, 29 Greenwix Parc, St Mabyn –Convert garage int0 a habitable room – Approved.

7.  Accounts / Financial Matters:  Councillors approved the cheque payments presented.  The finance report is issued as Part 3 of these minutes.

8.  CC LMP Footpaths:  Nothing to report.

9.  Playing Field:  The repairs and maintenance work had now been completed.  The junior goal posts have been repaired and placed on the village green, the site originally chosen for this equipment.
Cllr R Clark offered to carry out the inspections for the forthcoming month.

10. Correspondence:
o   Environment Agency – Consultation on an environmental permit application for the sewage treatment plant serving the Mabena Lea development  at St Mabyn, the Operator being Linden Homes:  The Council approved the response drafted by Cllrs. Mrs A Martin and M Menhenitt.
o   Cornwall Council – Information on Traffic Management for Community Events.
o   NHS Peninsula Community Health – Annual Review 2011-2013 and Newsletter.
o   Letters from a parishioner continued to be received and forwarded to the Cornwall Council Legal Department.

11.  To Agree / Discuss: 
·       Cornwall Council Community Network Meeting:  No report available.
·       The condition of the Public Toilets and the current cleaning contract:  The toilets were reported to be clean and tidy.  Councillors agreed to monitor the facilities for the next month and discuss the contract for the 2014/2015 year at the next meeting.
·       Provision of a Parish Council Notice Board in Station Road:  The Clerk will follow up the enquiry with Cornwall Council seeking permission to erect an additional notice board in Station Road.
·       St Mabyn Memorial Hall Committee – to appoint a Councillor to attend the next meeting in January 2014:  Following an email from the Chairman of the Hall Committee concerning the appointment of a Parish Council representative on the Committee. Cllr Mrs A Martin offered to liaise with the Clerk and obtain a copy of the constitution for the Hall Committee.
·       Appointment of contractors for 2014/2015 for grass cutting / agency grass cutting / footpath trimming / public toilet and bus shelter cleaning:
It was unanimously agreed that the existing grass cutting contractor be offered the contract for a further year, with the amendment that the grass be picked up when conditions are such that it will not wilt.  The contractor will be invited to provide a cost for the removal of the grass.

It was agreed to offer the agency grass cutting work and footpath trimming work to the current contractors.

The contract for the public toilet and bus shelter cleaning to be discussed at the next meeting on 4th February 2014.

12.  Parish Matters / Any other Business:
·       Parish Website – It was noted that Parish Council information on the parish website was not up to date in respect of the start time of the meetings.
·       Agenda – Cllr R Clark had received a report that the dates on the agenda for this meeting were incorrect and the agenda had been displayed in the notice board but not in a level position, and a picture of this had been posted on the parish website.
·       Greenwix Junction:   A white van was continually parking on the verge at the Greenwix junction causing a visibility obstruction and damage to the grassed area.  A letter will be sent to the householder.
·       Highway matters – A ‘dip’ in the surface road by the water hydrant in Station Road, just below Greenwix will be reported.  The surface of the road between Trevilder and Slades required some repair work.  Cormac solutions had dealt with a report of mud on the road from Highgates to Dinhams Bridge.
·       Provision of Parking in the Village:  Agreed to place this item on the agenda for the next meeting.

13.  Date of next Meeting:  Tuesday, 4th February 2014.

14.  To close the Meeting to the public:  There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.50pm.

15.  Closed Session:   No Closed Session held.

16.  To close the Meeting:  Meeting closed.

With thanks to J. Hoskin (Parish Clerk)   


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