St Mabyn Village News

News from the village of St.Mabyn in North Cornwall...

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Friends of St Mabyn Church Lecture

It would be good to see some local support at the next Friends of St Mabyn Church lecture/lunch on Friday 27 March in the Memorial Hall at 1.00pm. We will serve home-made casseroles
(with vegetarian option), puddings, wine and coffee, followed by a talk by Dr Owen Gill, entitled:
'The impact on children of having a parent in prison'.
What does Barnardo's do to support children In this situation?. In the UK approximately 200,000 children a year experience parental imprisonment. Research has shown these children often experience physical and mental health effects.They also are far more likely to experience bullying. In addition these children are significantly more likely to offend and end up in prison themselves.What should be our response to the needs of these children? For Barnardo's they are a key target group and the charity has more than a dozen projects working directly with these children.
Tickets are £12.00. Please phone to confirm your places by 25 March. 01028 841 534 or


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