St Mabyn Village News

News from the village of St.Mabyn in North Cornwall...

Monday, June 11, 2007

St.Mabyn Church Fete

This year's fete is to be held on the Green at St Mabyn on Saturday 16th June. It will be opened at 2.30pm by Reverend Margaret Millson preceded by the ringing of the church bells.
Attractions include: maypole and country dancing by pupils of St Mabyn School, fancy dress competitions, bouncy castle, Professor Goodvibes, followed by children's sports, raffle and tug-of-war with many other events to make the afternoon a happy one.
Cream teas will be served under the Chestnut tree with musical entertainment by Wadebridge School Steel Band. The stalls include cakes, preserves, tombola, plants, brie-a brac and much much, more. Ice cream and refreshments and a special stall by "The Friends of St Mabyn Church" selling delicious strawberries.
Please make a note in your diary to come along and enjoy a great family afternoon with us. Proceeds will go towards St Mabyn Church funds. We have disabled access to the green. If wet, the fete will still go ahead on the day.


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