St Mabyn Village News

News from the village of St.Mabyn in North Cornwall...

Tuesday, January 08, 2013


Minutes of the Meeting of St Mabyn Parish Council held on Tuesday, 4 th December 2012 in the St Mabyn Memorial Hall at 7.30pm.

Present: Cllrs. A Finnamore (Chairman), N Embley (Vice Chairman), Mrs A Bunney, Mrs C Bray, G Brindle, D Masters, R Chadwick, M Menhenitt.
Also attending: Mrs J Hoskin (Parish Clerk)
Four members of the public

1.Public Session: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and invited the members of the public to address the Council, if they so wished. Three ladies from the St Mabyn Pre-school Committee had attended to explain the reasons for the planning application PA12/10847 to create an outdoor recreation area at the rear of the hall. The application had been received by the Parish Council although it arrived too late to be placed on the agenda for tonight’s meeting. The Clerk notified the public that the application would be passed to the Parish Council Planning Committee.
Cllrs M Menhenitt, Mrs A Bunney and D Masters declared an interest.

(Members of the public left the meeting)

Police: No report received.
Cornwall Council: No report received.

2. Apologies for non attendance were received from Cllr M Grigg.

3. Members Declaration of Interest: Cllrs. M Menhneitt, Mrs A Bunney and D Masters declared an interest on Planning Application PA12/10847.

4. Minutes: The Minutes of the Meeting held on the 6th November 2012, as circulated, were confirmed and signed by the Chairman.

5. Matters Arising:
Item 12 Correspondence (ICO) – The Clerk and Chairman reported that matters with the Information Commissioners Office were ongoing.
Item 14a) Winter Grit Bins – The Clerk agreed to continue to pursue the provision of grit bins in the parish.
Item 14b) Fish and Chip Sign – The sign was now being removed during the week and put up on the day when the van was visiting the village.
Item 14e) Highway traffic calming – The developer had now erected the permanent signs (give way to oncoming traffic) on the traffic scheme adjacent to the entrance to the Mabena Lea development.

6. Planning Applications / Planning Matters:
PA12/10991 Mr D Scott & Ms N Heidaripour, 1 Church Steps, Churchtown, St Mabyn –
Demolition of lean-to store, erection of 2 storey extension and re-roofing /extension of existing kitchen. Support – and comment that the footpath is to be kept clear at all times if scaffolding is being erected. The extension to the boundary will narrow the footpath near the church steps and therefore it is recommended that the hedge adjacent to the steps should be trimmed back.

PA12/10028 Mr & Mrs East and McDonald, Slate Cottage, Tredethy Mews, Helland Bridge – Replacement of existing door and windows. The Council supported the recommendation by the planning committee to support this application. Cllr M Menhneitt declared an interest and abstained.

PA12/10847 Ms Bethany Gillespie, St Mabyn Pre-School, rear of Village Hall, Wadebridge Road, St Mabyn – Change of use from agricultural land to pre-school play area.
It was agreed that the planning committee look at this application and that the Clerk contact Cornwall Council to ask that the decision date be deferred and the application be placed on the agenda for the next meeting.

Planning Decisions:
PA12/09249 Mr Den Cooke, Anneth Lowen, Station Road, St Mabyn – Construction of extension to dwelling – Approved.

7. Accounts / Financial Matters: Councilors authorised the cheque payments presented. The finance report is issued as Part 2 of these minutes.

To agree the Precept for the 2013/2014 financial year: Having received documents from the Clerk at the last meeting that reconciled the current years accounts, predicted the financial year end balance and recommended the expenditure for the forthcoming financial year, Councilors resolved to request a precept of £ 16,000 (sixteen thousand pounds), being the same as 2012/2013.

8. CC Local Maintenance Project – Footpaths: Nothing to report.

9. Playing Field: Inspection reports were presented by Cllr D Masters and these identified that the shackles on the tyre swing would need replacing and the wooded sections surrounding the wood chip areas on some items of play equipment were rotting and would need replacing in time. The tubes used to fix the goal posts required rubbing down to a smooth surface or replacing.
Vehicles were parking outside the man entrance to the field and obstructing access through the pedestrian gate.
Cllr A Finnamore agreed to complete the forthcoming inspections.
Cllr N Embley suggested that the Council reconsiders the provision of a car parking for those using the recreation facilities and asked councillors  to look at the options of creating car parking spaces inside the playing field. It was agreed to place this item on the agenda for the next meeting.

10. Neighbourhood Plan – to consider the contents of the Cornwall Core Strategy document, once received, and the advantages of creating a parish plan:
The Council continued to await for the publication of the final Core Strategy document. Cllr G Brindle and the Clerk will attend a Cornwall Council Wadebridge Neighbourhood Planning Cluster Meeting in Wadebridge on Thursday, 6th December 2012. Cllr Mrs A Bunney presented her apologies for this meeting.

11. Correspondence:
Information Commissioners Office – The Chairman and Clerk continued to correspond with the Information Commissioners Office in relation to a request for information by Mr Heath (reported at the last meeting).
The Saints Way – Church of England Multi Academy Trust - Invite to attend a Service of Inauguration at Bodmin.

Cornwall Council – Recycling and waste collection dates for Christmas and the New Year.
12. To Agree / Discuss:
1) Cornwall Council Community Network Meeting – No reports available.

13. Parish Matters / Any other Business:
a) Trethick Farm, Sty Mabyn – The Council noted reports of bad odours coming from the spreading of slurry and automatic sprayers affecting local residents. A private individual had contacted Environmental Health.
b) Parish Council Grass Cutting Contract: Councillors agreed to offer the contract for 2013/2014 to the existing contractor for the forthcoming year.
c) Highway Matters: The road surface and edge of carriageway at Dinhams Bridge was in need of repair. This area was in St Kew parish and had been passed to the Chairman of their Parish Council.
d) Parking: Vehicles were often parking on the pavement outside the bus shelter obstructing visibility for other road users.

14. Date of next Meeting: Owing to the regular day being on the 1st January (Bank Holiday) it was agreed to hold the meeting on Wednesday, 2nd January 2013 if the hall was available.

15. To close the Meeting to the public – Close Session if required: No closed session required.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.35pm.


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