of the Meeting of St Mabyn Parish Council held on Tuesday, 4th
February 2014 in the Memorial Hall, St Mabyn at 7.30pm.
Present: Cllrs. A
FInnamore (Chairman), M Grigg (Vice Chairman), Mrs C Bray, Mrs A Martin (nee
Bunney), R Chadwick, S Collop, M
attending: Mrs J Hoskin (Parish Clerk) Cllr J Rowe (Cornwall Council)
Session: There were no members of the public present.
Council: Cllr J Rowe reported on the forthcoming years Cornwall Council
budget and the further cuts that needed to be made. The number of Directors and Management Staff will be
The government continued to debate the
capping of precepts for Town and Parish Council’s.
A question was raised about the dog
warden service and Cllr Rowe clarified that the number of wardens had been reduced
and therefore each warden now covered a larger area.
Police: No report
received. It was noted that PCSO
Lloyd Paynter had moved stations and was now based in St Blazey. A new PCSO will be appointed to cover
the rural areas.
2. Apologies for
non attendance were received from Cllrs. Mrs P Lloyd, R Clark, D Masters.
3. Members Declarations of Interest: Cllr M
Menhenitt declared an interest on Agenda Item 6 – Planning Applications
4. Minutes: The Minutes of the Meeting held
on the 7th January
2014, as circulated, were confirmed and signed by the Chairman following an
amendment to those present (Mrs C Bray not Mrs C Grigg).
5. Matters Arising:
10 – Environment Agency Consultation on an environment permit application for
the sewage treatment plant serving the Mabena Lea development. It was
noted that the smells continued to come
up from the manholes. The Environment
Agency had been informed of this.
12 – Greenwix Junction – The white van continued to
park on the grass verge at the junction.
6. Planning Applications / Planning
PA13/1697 Mr & Mrs A Kellow, Treveglos Farm,
St Mabyn –
of dry cow loose housing within yard at Treveglos Farm.
Cllr M Menehnitt abstained. Support.
PA13/07973 Land at
Kelly Green, St Tudy – Notification of an appeal by the applicant against
Cornwall Councils decision to refuse the application for the Installation of
ground mounted photovoltaic array and associated works.
AD & SW Kellow, Treveglos Farm, St Mabyn –
Construction of a young stock / calf rearing shed. It was reported that Condition 2 (planting) on this
application had not been adhered to.
The Planning Officer Enforcement Section had been notified in the past
and will be contacted again.
7. Accounts / Financial Matters: Councillors
approved the cheque payments presented.
The finance report is issued as Part 2 of these minutes.
Audited Accounts: The Clerk notified Councillors of the audit return and the
completion of the audit for the 2012/2013 financial year.
Mandate Form: Councillors were asked to complete the bank mandate form to include
updated signatories.
8. CC Local Maintenance Project –
Footpaths: Nothing to report.
9. Playing Field – Inspection Reports - update on maintenance work: Cllr R
Clark had completed the recent inspection but was unable to attend the meeting
to give verbal report.
Cllr A Finnamore offered to complete the
inspections for the forthcoming month.
10. Correspondence:
Cornwall Council – Information on the
consultation of the future of affordable housing
January – 14th March 2014)
Cornwall Council – Notification of
temporary road closure at Station Road to Dinhams Bridge on 17th –
21st February 2014 for tree works.
The Planning Inspectorate – Information
on the application by Cornwall Council for an Order granting Development
Consent for the A30 Temple to Higher Carblake Improvement and an invitation to
a preliminary meeting on the 6th February 2014.
11. To Agree / Discuss:
Cornwall Council Community Network Meeting, if available: Notes from the December
2013 meeting were available. The
next meeting was scheduled for the 13th March 2014.
o Provision of a Parish Council notice board in Station Road: Nothing to report.
o Provision of a Parish Council notice board in Station Road: Nothing to report.
St Mabyn Memorial Hall Committee – Confirmation of constitution for the
committee: The Clerk had received an email from the Secretary of the Hall
Committee. Cllr Mrs A Martin had
assisted the Clerk in obtaining a copy of the constitution. Cllr M Grigg offered to become the Parish
Council representative on this Committee.
Appointment of Contractors for 2014/2015 for grass cutting work /
agency grass cutting / footpath trimming / public toilet and bus shelter
The Clerk was
awaiting a reply from the grass cutting contractor (County Garden SW) as to the
contract price for the forthcoming year.
The Chairman
confirmed that the contractor would continue with the agency agreement
work. It was noted that Mr David
Barnes would continue with the footpath trimming.
Ms McNary
will be offered the cleaning contract for 2014/2015.
To discuss the options of car parking in the village: Cllr M
Grigg reported on the pre-school Ofsted report and the lack of outside play
facilities and parking. Options to
change the entrance to the public toilets was discussed. The school, now part of an academy may
address the facilities needed and parking matters. It was agreed to wait for
the academy to contact the Parish Council should they need to do so.
12. Parish Matters / Any other Business:
Highway matters – The ditches at the
edge of the carriageway along the Longstone Road required cleaning to prevent
further flooding along this road.
South West Water - A water hydrant
outside Glebe Cottage had sunken and required reinstating.
Dog Fouling - It was noted that some dog owners were picking up after their
pets but then throwing the bag of dog faeces into the hedge.
13. Date of next Meeting: Tuesday, 4th
March 2014.
14. To close the Meeting to the
public: There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.40pm.
15. Closed Session: Minutes
separately recorded
With thanks to J. Hoskin (Parish Clerk)
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