St Mabyn Village News

News from the village of St.Mabyn in North Cornwall...

Friday, August 08, 2014

ST MABYN PARISH COUNCIL minutes for July 2014

ST MABYN PARISH COUNCIL                                 07/2014
Minutes of the Meeting of St Mabyn Parish Council held on Tuesday, 1st July 2014 in the Memorial Hall, St Mabyn at 7.30pm.

Present:  Cllrs. M Grigg (Chairman), Mrs A Martin (Vice Chairman), Mrs C Bray, A Finnamore, D Masters, M Menhenitt, R Chadwick.

Also attending:  Mrs J Hoskin (Parish Clerk) PCSO Linda Thomas (Police Neighbourhood Officer)

1.Public Session:  There were no members of the public present.

Police:  PCSO Linda Thomas presented crime figures for March – June 2014, with two crimes in March, one in April, one in May and none in June. The theft from the church and an attempted burglary from a dwelling under renovation both remained undetected. The Neighbourhood Watch was being restarted and the police monthly surgeries dates were to be changed. PCSO was awaiting final confirmation that the surgeries would either be held in the coffee shop at the Post Office on the first Tuesday of each month between 4pm and 5pm, or in the Hall on the same day but half an hour before the start of the monthly Parish Council meetings.
Parking continued to be a problem around the school and pub areas of the village and consideration could be given to introducing yellow lines.  It was also noted that additional 30mph ‘repeater’ signs were needed for Station Road to remind drivers of the speed limit.

Cornwall Council:  No report received.

2.  Apologies for non attendance were received from Cllrs. R Clark, S Collop, Mrs P Lloyd.

3.  Members Declaration of Interest:  Cllr M Menhneitt declared an interest on Agenda Item 6 – Planning Application PA14/03759.

4.  Minutes:  The Minutes of the Meeting held on the 3rd June 2014, as circulated, were confirmed and signed by Cllr A FInnamore who chaired the last meeting.

5.  Matters Arising:
Item 5 (14) Hall Committee Meeting – Cllr D Masters reported on the structure of the Hall Committee and agreed to pass on meeting dates to Cllr M Grigg.

Item 13 Mabena Lea (Midas Homes / Linden development):  Cllr M Menhenitt reported that he had spoken to the Environment Agency who were monitoring the drains for substance and smells. Work was in progress to make alterations to the sewage treatment plant.

6.  Planning Applications / Planning Matters:
PA14/03759  Mr Laurence Cooper, land opposite Park View, Wadebridge Road, St Mabyn –
Construction of detached dwelling and conversion of existing barn. 
The Parish Council support this application providing off road parking for two vehicles is guaranteed to be in the adapted barn. Cllr M Menhenitt declared an interest and abstained.

Planning Decisions:  No decisions reported.

7.  Accounts / Financial Matters:  Councillors approved the cheque payments presented.  The finance report is issued as Part 2 of these minutes.

8.  CC Local Maintenance Project – Footpaths:  It was reported that David Barnes had declined the trimming contract owing to alternative work commitments.  Cllr Mrs C Bray offered to seek another contractor for this work.
The Clerk had received a report of overgrown paths and these were identified as 544/8/1 and 544/8/2. It was noted that path 544/8/4 was obstructed by barbed wire and some paths required new waymarker signs.
Cllrs. Mrs A Martin and Mrs C Bray offered to walk some of the paths.
It was suggested that the ‘beating of the bounds’ as organised in the past, be considered for the future.

9.   Playing Field:   Cllr A Finnamore reported on recent inspections, identifying that the wood surround to the bin and the wooden seat were rotten.  The Clerk will obtain costs to replace these items.
The tyre surface material required ‘topping up’.  It was agreed to discuss the work required to trim both the inside and outside boundary hedges at the next meeting, and appoint a contractor to carry out this work.  Cllr A Finnamore agreed to continue with the inspections for another month.
The Clerk had received an email from a resident whose property backed on to the playing field
stating that grass cuttings were being placed against her boundary hedge and garage.   Cllrs R Clarke and M Menhneitt had looked into this matter and were of the opinion that the contractor did not deposit grass cutting ‘on site’ but some cuttings and branches actually belonged to the property in question.
It was agreed that the rubble adjacent to the shed be removed and Cllrs.M Grigg, M Menhneitt and
R Chadwick offered to organise this.

A request had been made for the Parish Council to remove the junior goal posts from the village green.

10.  Clerk’s Report:  Nothing to report.

11.  Correspondence:
Cornwall Council – Councillors Code of Conduct training events – dates available.
Local Council Advisory Service – Newsletter July 2014
Treworder Solar Farm Community Fund – Information on the Community and how to apply.

12.  To Agree / Discuss:
Cornwall Council Community Network Meeting, if available:   The Clerk and Cllr Mrs A Martin reported that the Community Networks were being re-established.
Provision of Parish Council Notice Board in Station Road: Councillors approved the cost of a new notice board being approximately £ 300.00 and authorised Cllr M Menhenitt to arrange for this to be made.
Update on the provision of a car park for school etc, if available:  The Clerk had received an email for the Headteacher of St Mabyn School stating that the Academy was investigating plans for parking and the temporary structure for the pre-school children but funding was limited so grants would be required to assist these projects.
Neighbourhood Plan / Development Boundaries – to consider the aspects of these documents:
The question was asked as to whether or not a development order could be adopted without having to complete a full plan.  The Clerk will seek clarification.  The Cornwall Core Strategy document would protect communities from some forms of development in rural areas.

13.  Parish Matters / Any other business:
St Mabyn Memorial Hall – Cllr Mrs P Lloyd was unable to attend this meeting but had emailed the Clerk to raise the topic of a questionnaire asking people about the future of the Hall.  It was noted this was a public consultation exercise by the Hall Committee to gauge public feelings.
Highway Matters:  Some road drains were being cleaned and vegetation trimmed.
Public Toilets:  Cllrs Mrs C Bray and Mrs A Martin offered to meet with the cleaner of the public toilets to discuss the work being done, the contract and the provision of consumables.
Dog Bins:  Councillors will monitor the emptying of the dog bins having received a report that the bin by the war memorial was full. 

14.  Date of next Meeting:  Tuesday, 5th August 2014.  It was agreed that a short meeting be held in   
       August, with a limited agenda.

15.  To close the Meeting to the public.  There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.45pm.
No closed session required.


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