St Mabyn Fete
The third Saturday in June is a fixture in most locals' diaries and this year's promises to be the usual Great Day Out! St Minver Silver Band will be our guest musicians this year, and we look forward to the schoolchildren's maypole dancing, Punch and Judy for children of all ages! and lots of games and sideshows for have-a-go activities, children's races and the tug-of-war, as well as the usual wonderful stalls - plants, books, games, bric a brac, jewellery and cosmetics, cakes and tombola. We've said prayers for good weather, so that all this can take place on the village green (teas under the oak tree of course) but we do have a wet weather plan which will involve the village hall, school playground and of course the church itself - the fete aims to raise the staggering three thousand pounds which is the cost of the insurance premium, and with your support we will achieve that again this year - do come along for a great afternoon! Offers of help are always gratefully received by Colin Hyde, senior Church warden on 841546. See you there!
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