Parish Council meeting 6th August
Minutes of the Meeting of St Mabyn Parish Council held on Tuesday, 6th August 2013 in the Memorial Hall, St Mabyn at 7.30pm.
Present: Cllrs. A Finnamore (Chairman), M Grigg (Vice Chairman), Mrs A Bunney, Mrs C Bray, S Collop, R Chadwick, M Menhenitt, R Clark.
Also attending: Mrs J Hoskin (Parish Clerk) Cllr J Rowe (Cornwall Council) PCSO Lloyd Paynter (Police) and four members of the public.
1.Public Session: The Chairman invited the members of the public to address the Council, if they so wished.
The positioning of the traffic detection equipment and its purpose was discussed with the Parish Council and Cllr J Rowe. One parishioner felt the location was the wrong place.
Some parishioners asked when they could expect a response to their letters in relation to a petition (reported at the last meeting). The Chairman confirmed the matter was now with the Cornwall Council Solicitor who would be writing to all those who signed the petition. It was hoped that these letters would be sent out within the next week.
Owing to Mrs Barrett's persistence and disrespectful comments to the Council and the Parish Clerk, making reference to previous matters and not respecting a request from the Chariman to refrain from this unacceptable behaviour, the Chairman closed the public session.
Police: PCSO Paynter reported that PC Laurie O’Toole had joined the Neighbourhood Team and would be visiting the village in the future. The police had been notified of suspect traders travelling in a van visiting rural areas. PC Paynter asked the public to contact the police if they know of anyone who is approached by the driver or passengers of such a vehicle.
The parking around the area of the public house was reported, in particular the parking of vehicles on the pavement. Parking issues were also a problem when the school was open.
Over the past month the parish had received one reported crime being the theft from a motor vehicle in Wadebridge Road, however it had transpired that the theft could have occurred elsewhere, the exact location was not known. Therefore this remains undetected.
(PCSO Paynter left the meeting)
Cornwall Council:
Cllr J Rowe addressed matters relating to Cornwall Council including the county wide issue relating to parking charges. The budget setting process had begun and consultation events were to be held during September / October for local councils and the public to attend.
The second Annual Parish & Town Council Summit event was to be held on the 21st September 2013 at Kingsley Village.
Cornwall Council matters reported were the flooding on the road from Dinhams Bridge – St Kew,
the overgrown hedges and potholes requiring attention.
A request was made to enhance the 30mph signs through the village. It was suggested that 30mph markings could be painted on the road surface.
2. Apologies: There were no apologies for non attendance.
3. Members Declaration of Interest: None declared at this stage of the meeting.
4. Minutes: The Minutes of the Meeting and Closed Session both held on the 2nd July 2013, as circulated, were confirmed and signed by the Chairman following the amendment to Item 14 – the seat was to be re-painted not re-stained.
The Minutes of the Closed Meeting held on the 23rd July 2013, as circulated, were confirmed and signed by the Chairman.
5. Matters Arising:
Meeting - 2nd July 2013:
Item 5 Work required to repair the lighting in the public toilets: The work had now been completed.
Item 14 – Seats and Notice Boards: A letter of thanks will be sent to Mr K Brown for refurbishing the seat on “The Cresent”.
Item 14 Paper Bank at the garages behind “The Cresent”: The paper bank had been removed.
Meeting – 23rd July 2013: Any matters arising to be discussed under Item 17 of this meeting.
6. Planning Applications / Planning Matters: There were no applications presented for consideration at this meeting.
Planning Decisions:
PA13/03278 Mr John Cressey, Penwine Farm Barn, St Mabyn – Conversion from a four-port garage and store room to a domestic art studio and gym – Approved.
PA13/03837 Mrs Wendy Sanders, 4 Longstone, St Mabyn – Construction of a dwelling in the garden – Approved.
Planning – Notification of the appointed “Friendly Link Planning Officer” for the Parish Council – Mr Tim Warne.
7. Accounts / Financial Matters: Councillors approved the cheque payments presented. The finance report is issued as Part 2 of these minutes.
8. CC Local Maintenance Project – Footpaths: Nothing to report.
9. Playing Field: Recent inspections were verbally reported by Cllr A Finnamore.
Cllrs M Menhenitt and R Clark agreed to carry out the forthcoming inspections.
10. Neighbourhood Plan – to consider the contents of the Core Strategy document, the advantages of creating a parish plan / neighbourhood development order and to consider forming a committee:
The Clerk notified the Council that Cornwall Council was arranging training sessions on neighbourhood plans and the seminar at Bodmin was to be held on the 3rd October 2013. The Clerk, Cllr Mrs A Bunney and S Collop will endeavour to attend.
11. Correspondence:
St Mabyn Peace Memorial Hall Committee – As Mrs Helen Barrett was no longer a Councillor, the Parish Council had been asked to appoint a new representative for the Hall Committee. Cllr Mrs P Lloyd will be asked if she would take up this position.
Fly Tipping – Cornwall Council had replied to a report of fly tipping on the Helland to Clerkenwater road
Road Closure – Notification of a Cornwall Council road closure on the A389 between St Mabyn Hill and Sladesbridge from 30th September 2013 – 4th October 2013 (7pm-7am) for road patching works.
Cornwall Association of Local Councils: Publication of the 4th edition of the Good Councillors Guide available for 2.00 per copy.
Code of Conduct – Cornwall Council consultation on the Code of Conduct, one year on from the changes to the ethnical standards regime.
12. Parish Council Vacancy – to consider applications and co-option: No applications received.
13. To Agree / Discuss:
Cornwall Council Community Network Meeting, if available – No reports received.
The problems with the sewage system from the Mabena Lea development – Cllr M Menhenitt reported on the situation whereby it had been found that the sewage pumping station on the development was not working correctly and this resulted in the sewage not being cleaned before water was deposited through the highway drainage system. The County Council and Environment Agency were now in discussions with Midas Homes (Linden) and agreed to liaise with the Clerk and Cllr M Menhenitt as to what is being done to resolve this. The Clerk thanked Cllr Menhenitt for attending numerous site meeting on behalf of the Parish Council.
Dog Bins and frequency of emptying: Clarification from Cornwall Council stated that the dog bins should be emptied once a week.
14. Parish Matters / Any other Business:
a) Tree cuttings from Tredinnick House – Cuttings were being placed on the verge. Cllr M Menhenitt offered to address this matter on behalf of the Parish Council.
15. Date of next Meeting: Tuesday, 3rd September 2013.
16. To close the Meeting to the public – Closed Session: Cllr J Rowe left the meeting. Members of the public had already left.
17. Closed Session – Minutes recorded separately.
18. To close the Meeting: There being no further business for this meeting the Chairman asked Councillors to remain for Item 17. The time being 8.50pm.
Present: Cllrs. A Finnamore (Chairman), M Grigg (Vice Chairman), Mrs A Bunney, Mrs C Bray, S Collop, R Chadwick, M Menhenitt, R Clark.
Also attending: Mrs J Hoskin (Parish Clerk) Cllr J Rowe (Cornwall Council) PCSO Lloyd Paynter (Police) and four members of the public.
1.Public Session: The Chairman invited the members of the public to address the Council, if they so wished.
The positioning of the traffic detection equipment and its purpose was discussed with the Parish Council and Cllr J Rowe. One parishioner felt the location was the wrong place.
Some parishioners asked when they could expect a response to their letters in relation to a petition (reported at the last meeting). The Chairman confirmed the matter was now with the Cornwall Council Solicitor who would be writing to all those who signed the petition. It was hoped that these letters would be sent out within the next week.
Owing to Mrs Barrett's persistence and disrespectful comments to the Council and the Parish Clerk, making reference to previous matters and not respecting a request from the Chariman to refrain from this unacceptable behaviour, the Chairman closed the public session.
Police: PCSO Paynter reported that PC Laurie O’Toole had joined the Neighbourhood Team and would be visiting the village in the future. The police had been notified of suspect traders travelling in a van visiting rural areas. PC Paynter asked the public to contact the police if they know of anyone who is approached by the driver or passengers of such a vehicle.
The parking around the area of the public house was reported, in particular the parking of vehicles on the pavement. Parking issues were also a problem when the school was open.
Over the past month the parish had received one reported crime being the theft from a motor vehicle in Wadebridge Road, however it had transpired that the theft could have occurred elsewhere, the exact location was not known. Therefore this remains undetected.
(PCSO Paynter left the meeting)
Cornwall Council:
Cllr J Rowe addressed matters relating to Cornwall Council including the county wide issue relating to parking charges. The budget setting process had begun and consultation events were to be held during September / October for local councils and the public to attend.
The second Annual Parish & Town Council Summit event was to be held on the 21st September 2013 at Kingsley Village.
Cornwall Council matters reported were the flooding on the road from Dinhams Bridge – St Kew,
the overgrown hedges and potholes requiring attention.
A request was made to enhance the 30mph signs through the village. It was suggested that 30mph markings could be painted on the road surface.
2. Apologies: There were no apologies for non attendance.
3. Members Declaration of Interest: None declared at this stage of the meeting.
4. Minutes: The Minutes of the Meeting and Closed Session both held on the 2nd July 2013, as circulated, were confirmed and signed by the Chairman following the amendment to Item 14 – the seat was to be re-painted not re-stained.
The Minutes of the Closed Meeting held on the 23rd July 2013, as circulated, were confirmed and signed by the Chairman.
5. Matters Arising:
Meeting - 2nd July 2013:
Item 5 Work required to repair the lighting in the public toilets: The work had now been completed.
Item 14 – Seats and Notice Boards: A letter of thanks will be sent to Mr K Brown for refurbishing the seat on “The Cresent”.
Item 14 Paper Bank at the garages behind “The Cresent”: The paper bank had been removed.
Meeting – 23rd July 2013: Any matters arising to be discussed under Item 17 of this meeting.
6. Planning Applications / Planning Matters: There were no applications presented for consideration at this meeting.
Planning Decisions:
PA13/03278 Mr John Cressey, Penwine Farm Barn, St Mabyn – Conversion from a four-port garage and store room to a domestic art studio and gym – Approved.
PA13/03837 Mrs Wendy Sanders, 4 Longstone, St Mabyn – Construction of a dwelling in the garden – Approved.
Planning – Notification of the appointed “Friendly Link Planning Officer” for the Parish Council – Mr Tim Warne.
7. Accounts / Financial Matters: Councillors approved the cheque payments presented. The finance report is issued as Part 2 of these minutes.
8. CC Local Maintenance Project – Footpaths: Nothing to report.
9. Playing Field: Recent inspections were verbally reported by Cllr A Finnamore.
Cllrs M Menhenitt and R Clark agreed to carry out the forthcoming inspections.
10. Neighbourhood Plan – to consider the contents of the Core Strategy document, the advantages of creating a parish plan / neighbourhood development order and to consider forming a committee:
The Clerk notified the Council that Cornwall Council was arranging training sessions on neighbourhood plans and the seminar at Bodmin was to be held on the 3rd October 2013. The Clerk, Cllr Mrs A Bunney and S Collop will endeavour to attend.
11. Correspondence:
St Mabyn Peace Memorial Hall Committee – As Mrs Helen Barrett was no longer a Councillor, the Parish Council had been asked to appoint a new representative for the Hall Committee. Cllr Mrs P Lloyd will be asked if she would take up this position.
Fly Tipping – Cornwall Council had replied to a report of fly tipping on the Helland to Clerkenwater road
Road Closure – Notification of a Cornwall Council road closure on the A389 between St Mabyn Hill and Sladesbridge from 30th September 2013 – 4th October 2013 (7pm-7am) for road patching works.
Cornwall Association of Local Councils: Publication of the 4th edition of the Good Councillors Guide available for 2.00 per copy.
Code of Conduct – Cornwall Council consultation on the Code of Conduct, one year on from the changes to the ethnical standards regime.
12. Parish Council Vacancy – to consider applications and co-option: No applications received.
13. To Agree / Discuss:
Cornwall Council Community Network Meeting, if available – No reports received.
The problems with the sewage system from the Mabena Lea development – Cllr M Menhenitt reported on the situation whereby it had been found that the sewage pumping station on the development was not working correctly and this resulted in the sewage not being cleaned before water was deposited through the highway drainage system. The County Council and Environment Agency were now in discussions with Midas Homes (Linden) and agreed to liaise with the Clerk and Cllr M Menhenitt as to what is being done to resolve this. The Clerk thanked Cllr Menhenitt for attending numerous site meeting on behalf of the Parish Council.
Dog Bins and frequency of emptying: Clarification from Cornwall Council stated that the dog bins should be emptied once a week.
14. Parish Matters / Any other Business:
a) Tree cuttings from Tredinnick House – Cuttings were being placed on the verge. Cllr M Menhenitt offered to address this matter on behalf of the Parish Council.
15. Date of next Meeting: Tuesday, 3rd September 2013.
16. To close the Meeting to the public – Closed Session: Cllr J Rowe left the meeting. Members of the public had already left.
17. Closed Session – Minutes recorded separately.
18. To close the Meeting: There being no further business for this meeting the Chairman asked Councillors to remain for Item 17. The time being 8.50pm.
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