St Mabyn Village News

News from the village of St.Mabyn in North Cornwall...

Thursday, April 03, 2014

ST MABYN PARISH COUNCIL minutes for March 2014

ST MABYN PARICH COUNCIL                                 03/2014
Minutes of the Meeting of St Mabyn Parish Council held on Tuesday, 4th March 2014 in the Memorial Hall, St Mabyn at 7.30pm.
Present:  Cllrs. A Finnamore (Chairman), M Grigg (Vice Chairman), Mrs P Lloyd, Mrs C Bray, D Masters, R Chadwick, S Collpo, M Menhneitt, R Clark.
Also attending:  Mrs J Hoskin (Parish Clerk) Two members of the public
PC Laurie O’Toole and PCSO Linda Thomas (Police Neighbourhood Officers)

1.Public Session:  The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and invited the members of the public to address the Council if they so wished.   The public stated they had attended to listen to the meeting.
Police:  PC Laurie O’Toole introduced PCSO Linda Thomas the newly appointed Neighbourhood Officer for Bodmin and the rural parishes.  PC O’Toole had responded to the Parish Councils letter sent to the Chief Constable. One criminal incident was reported over the past month being the theft of power tools from a shed at Greenwix.  PCSO Thomas had spent time in the village and would be looking at vehicle speeds and asked the Council to consider talking to Cornwall Council Highways about traffic calming and additional speed limit signs through the village.  Along with the speed checks a vehicle survey exercise were being planned.  PCSO Thomas had visited the school who were interested in a school speed watch whereby the children would become involved, and Councillors were also invited to attend.  It was hoped that speeding issues could be addressed with a six month period.
With regard to the parking on the highway and pavement outside the pub, the officers explained the civil enforcement laws on parking  and that these can only be pursued when the offence was being witnessed.  PCSO Thomas could identify parked vehicles and speak to the owners. 
The white transit van parking on the verge at Greenwix was reported.  Cllr Mrs C Bray had spoken to the owner of the cottage who felt the land belonged to the property.
PCSO Thomas could not use the large mobile police surgery van but would visit the village in a car and the meeting talked about holding the surgeries in the hall or an alternative venue whereby the public would not feel vulnerable sitting in a police vehicle. The Council agreed to trial this for a six month period when a Councillor could also be available to the public to report any Council matters.
PCSO Thomas had met Mr David Bishop about the ‘St Mabyn Hub’. 
(PC O’Toole and PCSO Thomas left the meeting) Councillors expressed their confidence in this police report and looked forward to moving forward having experienced some negative outcomes in the past.

2.  Apologies for non attendance were received from Cllr Mrs A Martin.
3.  Members Declarations of Interest:  None declared at this stage of the meeting.
4.  Minutes:  The Minutes of the Meeting held on the 4th February 2014, as circulated, were confirmed and signed by the Chairman.
5.  Matters Arising: 
Item 5  (10) – Environment Agency:  Cllr M Menhenitt reported that problems continued with the sewage treatment plant at Mabena Lea.  There was no alarm on the pumping station, and it was felt that samples were not being taken at the correct times.  Cllr J Rowe (Cornwall Council) had been contacted.
A response had been received from the Environment Agency following the Parish Councils response to the application for the sewage treatment plant serving the houses at Mabena Lea.
There was still a question as to why Cornwall Council and the Environment Agency gave permission for the development knowing that the disposal of the treated sewage should not be deposited into the open road drains.

Item 11 – To discuss options of car parking in the village:  Cllr M Grigg reported that the head teacher of the School and the Academy were investigating the options of parking facilities.
The pre-school now longer operated in the Hall and were to move to a building within the school premises.
It was suggested that a joint meeting with all parties be held to discuss the plans for the future and how the matter is going to be addressed and monitored.

6.  Planning Applications / Planning Matters:  There were no planning applications presented for consideration and no decisions reported.

Planning Appeal: 
PA13/07973  INRG Solar Ltd have appealed against Cornwall Councils decision to refuse the Installation of ground mounted photovoltaic solar array and associated equipment on land at Kelly Green, St Tudy.

Planning Matters:
The Clerk had read an email from a local resident thinking to resubmit a planning application for a dwelling.  The Council agreed to await the submission of an application before making any comment. 

7.  Accounts / Financial Matters:  Councillors approved the cheque payments presented.  The finance report is issued as Part 2 of these minutes.

8.  CC Local Maintenance Partnership – Footpaths:  The Council agreed to remain in the Cornwall Council Maintenance Scheme for the 2014/2015 year.
It was noted that the lift bar of the stile on footpath 544/7/3 had broken.

9.  Playing Field – Inspection Report:  Cllr M Menhenitt reported that drinks cans had been thrown around the field.   Cllr S Collop agreed to inspect the field for the forthcoming month.
It was noted that a van was regularly parking in the main entrance to the playing field during the evening / night time.

10.  Correspondence:
Police reply:  Cllr R Clark reported that the police attendance this evening had addressed the matters raised in the letter.  It was noted that the Crime Commissioner was to hold local surgeries on the 14th and 26th March 2014.
Cornwall Council:  Free parking for half an hour in Cornwall Council car parks from 1st March – 20th April 2014
Cornwall Association of Local Council:  Information on the consultation on the Local Audit and Accountability Act.
The Planning Inspectorate: Notification on an application by Cornwall Council for an Order granting development consent for the A30 Temple to Higher Carblake Improvement.
The Council agreed to support this application to enable the dualing of this section of the A30
Came & Company Parish Council Insurance:  Invite for a one to one meeting to review the policy.
11.  To Agree / Discuss:
Cornwall Council Community Network Meeting, if available:  Date of next Meeting, 13th March 2014.
Provision of Notice Board in Station Road:  Nothing to report.
To confirm the appointment of contractors for 2014/2015 for grass cutting work / agency agreement grass cutting / footpath trimming / public toilet and bus shelter cleaning.
Grass Cutting -  The current contractor Country Garden South West were happy to continue with this work.  Councillors agreed to accept the slight increase in costs and agreed to pay additional costs if the Parish Council requested that the grass be picked up.
Agency Agreement Grass Cutting – contractor confirmed at the last meeting.
CC LMP Footpath Trimming – contractor confirmed at the last meeting.
Public Toilet and Bus Shelter Cleaning – Ms McNary had accepted the contract for a further year.

12. Parish Matters /Any other Business: 
Roadside kerbs – Kerbs along the footpath adjacent to the St Mabyn Inn had been dislodged / broken by vehicles parking on the pavement.
Clerks Annual Appraisal – The Staffing Committee will liaise with the Clerk and carry out the annual appraisal.
Hedge Damage – A large lorry delivering a holiday lodge to St Mabyn Holiday Park had damaged the hedge in Longstone Road.  This was a matter for the landowners to discuss with the holiday park owners.
Parish Clock – Cllr D Masters had the materials to fit onto the clock to enable it to be regularly oiled.
Street Light – Cllr D Masters will clarify the amount needed to be paid to the St Mabyn Inn for the electricity costs for the street light on the path between the public house and the church.

13.  Date of next Meeting:  Tuesday, 1st April 2014 (Annual Parish and Parish Council Meetings).
14.  To close the Meeting:  There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.20pm.
15.  Closed Session:  No closed session required.
                                                                                  Dated:  1st April 2014  


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