Parish Council meeting minutes December 2014
Minutes of the Meeting of St Mabyn Parish Council held on Tuesday, 2nd December 2014 in the Memorial Hall, St Mabyn at 7.30pm.
(Minutes drafted by the Clerk from the notes taken by Cllr Mrs P Lloyd)
Present: Cllrs. M Grigg (Chairman), A Finnamore, Mrs P Lloyd, D Masters, R Chadwick, M Menhenitt.
Also attending: PCSO Linda Thomas (Police Neighbourhood Officer)
Five members of the public
1.Public Session: The Members of the public were invited to address the Council, if they so wished.
Mr Neil Farrington (Community Energy Plus) spoke about the work of his organisation and funding available from renewable energy projects, in particular a community scheme for St Mabyn. Further information will be provided on developing ideas and the holding of a community consultation event.
It was noted that a planning application for a community scheme had not been received.
Local resident Mr Ian Kemp felt a community renewable energy scheme could be beneficial for parishioners.
Cornwall Council: No report received.
Police: PCSO Linda Thomas reported incidents during November being the criminal damage to a vehicle, and two assaults outside the St Mabyn Inn public house. All incidents were under investigation.
PCSO Thomas offered to assist with the relocation of the bus shelter and funding, if available.
2. Apologies for non attendance were received from Cllrs. Mrs A Martin (Vice Chairman), Mrs C Bray,
Mr R Clark. Mrs J Hoskin (Parish Clerk).
3. Members Declarations of Interest: None declared at this stage of the meeting.
4. Minutes: The Minutes of the Meeting held on the 4th November 2014, as circulated were approved following an amendment to Item 1 (deletion of a sentence in the police report). It was agreed these minutes be reprinted and signed at the next meeting.
5. Matters Arising:
Item 5 (12) Weed Spraying – The Clerk will be asked to again contact the contractor about the weed spraying behind the bus shelter.
Item 5 (12) Dog Fouling – It was suggested that the Council obtains ‘glow in the dark’ dog fouling notices from Keep Britain Tidy, if available.
Item 8 CC LMP Footpaths - Mr Mutton (tenant) had offered to look at the stone hedge on the footpath below the village green and would repair, if required.
Item 11 – Replacing / relocating the bus shelter in the village (opposite the pub) - The Chairman explained to those absent at the last meeting, the Councils reasons for relocating the bus shelter.
6. Planning Applications / Planning Matters: The Council accepted the recommendations from the planning committee.
PA14/09264 Mr Bernard Bartlett, Colquite Cottage, Washaway, Bodmin –
Replacement of front modern windows with bay windows to original design, erection of extensions to rear of house and erection of detached double garage with store over. Support.
PA14/10053 Messrs. CB & JBS Mutton, Burlerrow, Wadebridge Road, St Mabyn –
Proposed new feed barn. Support.
PA14/10397 Mr & Mrs P Abbott, Land West of Tregaddock House, Tregaddock Lane, St Mabyn – Outline planning permission with some matters reserved. Erection of a dwelling and domestic garage and alterations to existing access. The Parish Council support the construction of a dwelling on this site but recommend the design is a dormer bungalow and not a house.
PA14/10800 Mr Robert Davey, land East of 4 Longstone, St Mabyn –
Erection of 2 No. 4 bedroom detached dwellings within the former garden of No. 4 Longstone,
St Mabyn. The Parish Council support the principle of the dwellings but recommend the designs have dormer windows facing South so this would protect the privacy of the dwellings opposite the site and would not overlook the road.
7. Accounts / Financial Matters: The Council approved the cheque payments presented. The finance report is issued as Part 2 of these minutes.
Precept for 2015/2016: Agreed to hold another meeting on the 16th December 2014 to discuss / agree the precept for the forthcoming financial year. The full council were not available at this meeting and the Clerk was also absent.
8. CC LMP Footpaths: Discussed under Item 5 of this meeting.
9. Playing Field: Cllr R Chadwick reported on recent inspections, identifying the grass was very long but had been cut today after the contractor had been contacted. It was agreed that the wording on the contract be reviewed in relation to the picking up of the grass, and the trimming of brambles etc. for the future. Councillors felt the field was generally looking untidy.
Cllr M Grigg and M Menhenitt had met to discuss the work required to the boundary hedges and would arrange for work to be carried out.
Cllr A Finnamore offered to carry out inspections for the forthcoming month.
10. Correspondence: No correspondence reported.
11. To Agree / Discuss:
- Provision of a Parish Notice Board in Station Road – update. It was noted that the project was ‘work in progress’.
- Report from Community Network Meeting, if available. No report received.
- Parish Council Vacancy (1) – co-option of Councillor. No applications received.
- Providing a defibrillator for the parish. Nothing to report, Clerk to action order for this equipment.
- Replacing / relocating the bus shelter in the village (opposite the pub): Discussed under Item 1 (Police Report). Nothing further to report.
- Provision of car park for Village – update from outside organisations, if available: Agreed to invited representatives from outside organisations and the school to attend the next meeting to update the Parish Council on the proposals for a car park.
12. Parish Matters / Any other Business:
a) Highway Matters – Potholes at Greenwix and Station Road were identified. Cllr M Menhenitt offered to contact Cornwall Council / Cormac.
Cllr D Masters felt it would be a good idea to advertise the free Cormac ‘tool kit’ trailer on the parish notice board to inform local organisations of this facility.
b) Site of the old Filling Station at Longstone: The question was asked as to what was happening with the site? The Parish Council had no information on this.
13. Date of next Meetings: Extra Meeting on the 16th December 2014 to discuss precept.
Next Full Council Meeting – Tuesday, 6th January 2015.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.53pm. No Closed Session required.
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