St Mabyn Village News

News from the village of St.Mabyn in North Cornwall...

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sainsbury's possibly?

Sainsburys's wants Cornwall Council to sell it the former North Cornwall DC offices at Higher Trenant. The council is not so keen about this unsolicited offer. Sainsbury's held an exhibition in the town Sept 25/26.
There's an online petition to sign at

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Pre-School Stay and Play session

St Mabyn Pre-School will be holding a Stay and Play session on Wednesday, October 14 from 9.10am-12.10pm in the village hall. “This is a great opportunity for parents to come in to our happy village setting, see our wonderful staff at work – and for their kids to get stuck in with some great activities for the under fives,” said Chairman Gillian Molesworth. “I guarantee kids will come home very happy and hopefully covered in paint, glitter, or food. All ages are welcome.
“We have lots of exciting things planned for this year, and some great opportunities for children aged 2-5. Our Supervisor Angela Brown has an action-packed term planned, and she has been joined this year by our Deputy Supervisor Sharon Lewis, a childminder from Wadebridge who received a coveted Outstanding on her last Ofsted.”
St Mabyn Pre-School meets Monday-Thursday mornings with a popular double session on a Monday, which runs from 9.10am to 3.10pm (just enough leeway to get the older children if necessary).
The Stay and Play session will include a healthy snack for the children and a tea or coffee and hopefully home made cake for the parents and carers.
Parents of babies and toddlers looking to get out and socialise are welcome at St Mabyn’s toddler sessions, running every Tuesday from 9.10-11.10, also in the village hall. For the toddler group, children are £2.50 and additional siblings over 6 months old are £1.
St Mabyn is located about four miles outside of both Bodmin and Wadebridge and is signposted off the A389.
For more information or to arrange a free taster session or anything else, call 07929 092 088. Or, please come stay and play!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Pre-School celebrates success with toddler group

We are delighted to report that St Mabyn Toddler Group, held on Tuesdays from 9.10-11.10, is flourishing. We have been pleased to see such a lively, chatty group with some future members sleeping away in car seats. Please spread the word if you know anyone who lives in the area with small children. All are invited for a play, a chat and a cup of tea. Cost is £2.50 per child plus £1 for siblings over 6 months old.
St Mabyn Pre School this month welcomes a new member of staff Sharon Lewis, who was a child-minder in Wadebridge for more than 10 years and received an Outstanding at her last Ofsted! Sharon and Angela are working together on a Jungle theme this term for the children.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Tuesday, September 08, 2009


Saturday 12th September in St Mabyn Memorial Village Hall 7.30 pm to 11 pm with renowned Cornish caller Howard Burrows.
Bring your own drinks.
Respectfully request no children under age 7
Tickets £4 and you can get them in St Mabyn village shop or on the door.
All proceeds are going to the Camel Community Supported Agriculture project.
More details here...

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Parish Council Meeting 4th August 2009

Notes from agreed minutes of St Mabyn Parish Council Meeting 4th August 2009
Public Session: The Bridleway between Trevisquite Manor and Little Trevisquite (544/9/1) was overgrown from the section at Polglaze. The Council agreed to investigate the history of this path and Cllr K. Brown would visit the site.
Apologies for non attendance were received from Cllrs. L Wood (Chairman), A Finnamore, Mrs H Barrett, R Heath.
Parish Council Sub Committees:
Planning Committee – It was proposed by Cllr Miss C Barry and seconded by
Cllr A Titcomb that Cllr I Kemp be elected onto the Planning Committee to fill the vacancy left following the resignation of Cllr Mrs C Cordell.
Planning Applications / Planning Matters:
2009/00909 Midas Homes Ltd, land between Chapel Lane, Chestnut Drive, St Mabyn –
Below ground sewage treatment plant, fencing, landscaping, drains/sewers, access track and field soakaway system.
St Mabyn Parish Council has serious concerns and object to this application.
Neighbours had NOT been consulted, the site is within an area at risk of flooding.
The proposal would increase the flood risk elsewhere, namely Greenwix Barn and Glebe Cottage which are already prone to flooding from rising springs and surface water from the land behind the proposed development and also surface water run off from the proposed development land itself.
The proposed discharge of surface water into the adjacent drainage ditch alongside Station Road/Chestnut View and then into the local drainage ditch opposite is unacceptable, both ditches are already liable to flooding. The preferred option for discharge of treated foul effluent is to an existing highways drain running to the River Allen at Dinham’s Bridge. This is liable to flooding and would severely affect the properties on either side.
Consideration had not been given to address any fouls odours should such smells be deposited from the plant.
The proposed landscaping and fencing around the treatment plant was inadequate. A permanent Cornish hedge around the site would be more acceptable and in keeping with the area.
2009/00921 Midas Homes Ltd, land between Chapel Lane, Chestnut Drive, St Mabyn –
Residential development comprising the erection of thirty five dwellings to include affordable dwellings together with associated infrastructure and external works/landscaping.

The Parish Council raise the following representations...
Gavin Smith suggested a planting belt of at least 10m in his informal opinion to Midas Homes. This is NOT achieved. Drawings show a landscaped area to the north of only 9m to 6m [including the boundary hedge growing over the bank] and only 2.4m on the border with the bungalows of Chapel Lane. It is not considered that this is a wide enough belt and certainly not a substantial new planting as required.
Affordable housing had not been pepper potted as required by guidelines.
The number of 4 bedroom units was considered to be more than local and market needs, it was suggested that more three bedroom units would be more beneficial.
There are reservations about the safety of the south pedestrian access point on the corner of the main road.
Residents are concerned about the loss of privacy with regard to the public right of way proposed in Chapel Lane.
The loss of so many mature trees is detrimental to the rural appearance of this area, and replacements should be of a similar species.
Any traffic calming schemes would be out of character with the village.
All properties should have natural slate roofs, rather than some with concrete tiles, as stipulated for some dwellings.
Photographs were sent with both application responses.
Planning Training: Cllr A Titcomb will endeavour to attend two training sessions on aspects of planning, organised by the CALC County Training Partnership.
Playing Field / provision of new play equipment (grant funded): Following the meeting with the representative from SMP Playgrounds, it was found that owing to the size and design of their disabled roundabout it was not suitable for the playing field. A quotation had been obtained from Taylor Made for a roundabout suitable for pushchairs and wheel chairs, although the cost was above the amount of grant funded money received, once the swing had been purchased. It was agreed that the swing be ordered from SMP and that further funding is sought to “top up” the funds required for the roundabout.
Allotments: It was agreed to re-advertise the project, seeking any further interest on those wishing to obtain an allotment.
Parish Council Vacancy: The vacancy was being advertised by the Cornwall Council offering electors the right to call an election for the one vacant position left by Cllr Mrs C Cordell.
Parish Council Notice Board outside Memorial Hall: It was agreed to look at the condition of the notice board and fixing posts. If possible Councillors felt that this matter should be deferred until a decision has been made on the fencing of the Hall as this would possibly effect the current position of the notice board, which may have to be relocated

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