A MEETING of St Mabyn Parish Council will be held on
Tuesday, 1st February 2011 in the Memorial Hall, St Mabyn at 7.30pm
1. Public Session – 10 Minutes / Reports from Cornwall Council and Police. Presentation from Mr Chris Hynes (Sun Power) on proposals for photo voltaic energy project at Longstone, St Mabyn.
2. Apologies for non attendance.
3. Members Declaration of Interest
4. Minutes – to approve the Minutes of the Meetings held on 7th December 2010 and 18th January 2011.
5. Matters Arising.
6. Planning Sub Committee – to elect members for the planning sub committee to serve up to
the AGM on 3rd May 2011.
7. Planning Applications/Planning Matters:- No applications received at date of this agenda
8. Accounts / Financial Matters:
9. CC LMP – Footpaths - Menkee
10. Affordable Housing – Midas (follow up comments)
11. Community Network Meeting (held 27 Jan) feedback Cllr H Barrett
12. To Agree:
Standing Orders & Risk Assessment (agree separate meeting date in February 2011)
To fill vacancies on Parish Council / Notice Board
ROSPA Risk Assessment (agree to book)
Community Plan (to fix further meeting with Tracy Edwards for outline plan for setting up of Steering Group who have shown an interest)
Details of rise in Precept to £15,000 to be made available to parishioners if requested
- to agree how it be made available.
Notice for Main Gate to Playing Field (keys) – to agree and act
Internal Complaints Panel – to agree to be set up in March
To display Councillors names and telephone numbers outside Village Hall
Arrange date with Clerk for her review and feedback with Councillors.
13. Date of next Meeting – Tuesday, 1st March 2011
14. To close the Meeting