Notes from the agreed Minutes of the Meeting of St Mabyn Parish Council held on
Tuesday, 7th December 2010
Election of Chairman for the remainder of the Parish Council year up to May 2011:
It was proposed by Cllr R Heath and seconded by Cllr Mrs C Bray that Cllr Mrs H Barrett be elected Chairman for the remainder of the Council year. There were no other nominations.
Mrs Barrett wished to acknowledge the service of previous Chairmen and Councillors who have served on the Parish Council, and who have dedicated their time to the service of their Community while she has been a member of the Council. Cllr Mrs Barrett thanked Cllr A Finnamore for taking the temporary Chairman’s position for the past two months.
Cllr Alf Finnamore will remain as Vice Chairman.
Mrs Barrett also reminded Councillors that we are entering a period where the Parish Council will have a greater influence with regard to what happens within our Community. That the Parish Council must be mindful of it's responsibilities with regard to how it communicates not only within the Council, but out to the Parish Election of Planning Committee for the remainder of the Parish Council year up to
May 2011: Agreed to defer this item to the next meeting.
In the meantime, any planning application received, will be forwarded by the Clerk to Cllr R Heath who will consult with fellow Councillors.
Parish Council Vacancies – Co-option of 4 Councillors: The Council had received 2 applications for co-option from Mr Ben Finnemore and Mrs Angela Bunney. These were both accepted by the Council
Planning Applications / Planning Matters:
a) PA10/07590 Mr & Mrs A D Kellow, Treveglos, St Tudy Road, St Mabyn -
Extension to existing dairy building.
Resolved that Councillors look at the application site and report the decision / comments back to the Clerk.
Midas Homes development at St Mabyn – Section 106 Agreement:
The discussion at tonight’s meeting with Ms Philippa Mayland (Cornwall Council) had been postponed due to the cold and icy weather conditions. The Chairman highlighted the S.106 agreement and the reason for the Parish Council wishing to have an input into the allocations for the properties for rent.
Precept 2011/2012: Having considered the figures presented in November 2010, and
discussed the forthcoming expenditure and predicted carried forward balance, the Council resolved to request a precept of £15,000 (fifteen thousand pounds).
Street Light situated on the footpath between the Church and St Mabyn Inn:
A local electrical contractor had been authorised to submit an estimate and carry out the work to repair the light. Councillors agreed to earmark £700 for this work.
It is worth noting that the work was carried out for under the sum of £200 Community/Parish Plan: Cllr Mrs Barrett reported on the public meeting held in the Memorial Hall on the 1st December 2010. Ms Tracey Edwards (Cornwall Rural Community
Council) gave a introduction on setting up a committee and producing a parish plan. Two representatives from the Parish Council will be delegated for this committee. Cllr Mrs H Barrett will arrange a further meeting in late January 2011.
This is now set for 23 Feb in the Village Hall 7.30 p.m
Correspondence from CC
Cornwall Council – Compost Mentors for the East Cornwall Area
Cornwall Council – Consultation on the existing recycling schemes
Came & Company Insurance – Information on the treatment of snow and ice.
National Housing Federation – Affordable Rural Housing: A practical guide for Parish Councils.