Minutes of the Meeting of St Mabyn Parish Council held on Tuesday, 7th June 2011 in the Memorial Hall, St Mabyn at 7. 30pm.
Present: Cllrs. Mrs H Barrett (Chairman), A Finnamore (Vice Chairman), Mrs A Bunney, Mrs C Bray, R Chadwick, B Finnemore.
Also attending: Mrs J Hoskin (Parish Clerk)
Four members of the public / Two candidates for co-option of Councillor
1. Public Session: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and invited the members of the public to address the Council, if they so wished. The members of the public expressed their views on Planning Application PA11/03221 on the agenda for tonight’s meeting. Although no objections were raised in relation to the proposed dwelling, the parking issues were discussed. Cllr Mrs C Bray reported that earlier in the day she had been contacted by the agent and confirmed that the application was being withdrawn and a new application submitted that would accommodate off road parking within the development site.
The proposed dwelling was to be set further back and the height of the building reduced.
A parishioner also mentioned the draft Cornwall Council Core Strategy Document and hoped that the Parish Council would take into consideration the number of properties for sale in the parish, before permitting any further developments.
Extended Services – Keltie Seaber spoke on her role as co-ordinator for the extended services in the Padstow and Wadebridge cluster area that included 8 primary and 1 secondary school, and the range of activities provided for the pupils outside the hours of the school day. Funding at present was to be withdrawn but parents hoped that the services provided would continue. Keltie was now working with the North Cornwall Activity Network (NCAN), an organisation set up to allow schools and Parish / Town Councils to work together to access funding. A steering group would be formed with a terms of reference. To date all parishes within the cluster, with the exception of St Kew, had appointed a Parish Council representative and it was hoped that St Mabyn would participate. Links to parish plans and the curriculum helped to determine the activities required. Partnership working could be extended to include the school council, church, village hall and other village organisations.
The group would meet on a three to six monthly basis, as required.
It was agreed that Keltie would meet the head teacher of the school and contact the ParishCouncil. (Keltie Seaber left the meeting at 8.00pm)
Police: The Clerk read the report from PCSO Lloyd Paynter that explained the staff changes within the Bodmin Neighbourhood Team.
Cornwall Council: No report received.
At this point of the Meeting the Chairman brought forward Agenda Item 11.3 –
Parish Council Vacancies co-option of Councillors:
The Clerk read the letters of application from two parishioners. Councillors agreed that the applications be accepted and invited Mr David Masters and Mr Mark Menhenitt to join the Parish Council and sign their “Declaration of Acceptance of Office”. The Clerk gave the new Councillors a copy of the register of members interest form for completion.
2. Apologies: There were no apologies for non attendance.
Cllr R Heath was suspended, pending his decision following a Code of Conduct hearing on the 13th May 2011.
3. Members Declaration of Interest: None declared at this stage of the meeting.
4. Minutes: The Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on the 3rd May 2011, as circulated, were confirmed and signed by the Chairman.
The Minutes of the Closed Session held on the 3rd May 2011, as circulated, were confirmed and signed by the Chairman.
Agenda and Minutes: It was agreed that the Clerk and Chairman prepare the agenda for the meetings and the Clerk produce the draft minutes. Any proposed amendments to the minutes must be brought to the meeting, for approval by the Council.
5. Matters Arising:
Item 11 Playing Field – The Chairman thanked Cllr Mrs C Bray and R Chadwick for moving the bag of salt into storage until the winter months.
Item 14.1 New Agency Agreement with Cornwall Council for Longstone - The Clerk will seek clarification from the Parish Council Insurance Company regarding cover for the contractor appointed to carry out the Agency work. It was agreed that if the Parish Council had to pay an additional premium on the insurance that exceeded the amount offered by Cornwall Council for this work, then the agreement was not financially viable and could not be delivered. The Clerk agreed to liase with the Chairman and Cllr A Finnamore.
Cllr A Finnamore agreed to liaise with the Parish Clerk and meet with a representative from Cornwall Highways and the Police to look at the junctions with the B3266.
Item 14.2 Midas Site at Mabena Lea - Cllr A Finnamore agreed to liaise with the Parish Clerk and pursue this matter with Midas, Cornwall Council and the Police.
Item 14.3 Standing Orders etc - The Clerk gave each Councillors a copy of the new adopted policies.
Item 14.5 Community Plan update - Cllrs B Finnemore, Mrs C Bray and Mrs A Bunney were working to form a steering group. Cllr Mrs A Bunney reported that a meeting had been planned for the 15th June 2011 when Tracey Edwards would be attending. A list of names for those interested in joining the group had been drafted and those people had been invited to attend.
6. Planning Applications / Planning Matters:
PA11/03221 Mr Peter Harrison, Ivy Cottage, Station Road, St Mabyn –
Construction of two storey private residential detached dwelling. As reported under Item 1 of this meeting the application had been withdrawn. The Council will await the revised application.
PA11/03425 Meri Power, Access to Benbole Farm, St Kew Highway –
Extension of solar farm developments by 0.25Ha. Having received the application the previous day, it was agreed that the planning committee liaise with St Kew Parish Council.
Planning Decisions: No decisions reported.
7. Accounts / Financial Matters: The Council approved the payment of the accounts, as presented by the Clerk. A new bank mandate form will be obtained.
Audit 2010/2011 (year ended 31st March 2011): Councillors Mrs H Barrett, A Finnamore, Mrs A Bunney, Mrs C Bray, R Chadwick and B Finnemore had all received a copy of the auditors report and it was agreed that the audit be approved and the Annual Return form was completed. Cllr Mrs H Barrett stated that it was the first time in many years that a clean report had been achieved and this was due to Councillors who ensured financial matters were up to date. The Clerk did not fully agree with this statement.
EDF Meter in Playing Field : Cllr D Masters agreed to obtain the meter reading and pass the information onto the Clerk.
Internal Report: The Council did not discuss the item referred by Cllr Mrs H Barrett concerning the internal checking report produced by Cllr R Heath and presented at a previous meeting.
Code of Conduct Hearing - At this point of the Meeting councillors diverted from the agenda and raised the subject of Cllr R Heaths Code of Conduct Hearing held on the 13th May 2011. Cllr Mrs H Barrett stated that she did not defend Cllr Heaths letter to the Clerk as indicated in the newspaper report. The Clerk advised the Council of the conclusion of the Hearing and the options available for Mr Heath.
Cllr Mrs H Barrett had attended the Hearing as an individual witness for Cllr Heath and not as a parish councillor. The Clerk had been summoned to attend by the Cornwall Council Legal Department.
8. CC Local Maintenance Project – Footpaths: The paths were being trimmed and Cllr A Finnamore was liaising with the contractor.
9. Playing Field: Cllr Mrs C Bray presented the inspection reports and Cllr R Chadwick agreed to complete the inspections for the forthcoming month.
Cllr Mrs H Barrett had purchased self adhesive letters and numbers from AD Signs and had now displayed the postcode on the entrance gate sign.
9.1 Sign for Gate: It was agreed that Councillors consider displaying another sign on the gate stating that the Parish Council accepted no responsibility for loss or damage to property or injury to persons in the field. Agreed to place this on the agenda for the next meeting.
9.2 Award for All Application / Grant Funding: The Clerk reported that she had liaised with Cllr A Finnamore and they had forwarded further details to the Awards for All office in relation to the application to obtain funding for a roundabout. Earlier today the Clerk had received an email stating that all information had been received and that the Grant Officer was proceeding with the application. Cllr H Barrett informed the Council that owing to delays in the application being processed she would now take over this project. Cllr A Finnamore was continuing talks with Midas Homes about the company giving a financial donation to the Parish Council towards the provision of play equipment.
10. Correspondence: The Clerk presented the correspondence file.
11. To Agree / Discuss:
11.1 To consider the structure and the usage of the existing bus shelter at Longstone -Cllr Mrs A Bunney reported that the general service and school bus both stopped at Longstone but not at the existing bus stop. Councillors agreed to make enquiries with those using the service and Longstone parishioners.
11.2 Community Plan – Discussed under Item 5 of this Meeting.
11.3 Parish Council Vacancies – The co-option of two councillors was carried out at the beginning of this meeting. The Clerk will produce and amended notice for the one remaining vacancy.
12. Date of next Meeting: Tuesday, 5th July 2011.
13. To close the Meeting to the public: There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.25pm. A Closed Session was not requested.
These minutes were approved and signed by the Parish Council on the 5th July 2011