St Mabyn Village News

News from the village of St.Mabyn in North Cornwall...

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Jubilee 1887 news cutting

Royal Cornwall Gazette of 1 July 1887 F P Nickell is Francis Perry NICKELL
Thanks to Max for forwarding this.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

National Lottery St Mabyn

 Don't forget to go to The Post Office and get your ticket for tonight's QUADRUPLE ROLLOVER Lotto draw for an estimated jackpot of £19.6 million. What would you do ?

Thursday, September 20, 2012


THRIFTY IS COOL …. share your money saving ideas with
like-minded villagers and families
St Mabyn Village Hall,
Saturday 10th November     10am to 12

Free tea and coffee
Which tips, tools and implements save you the most money?   Bring your own examples of thriftiness to show everybody.

Money Saving tips relating to the following will be greatly appreciated  and shared with everyone

·         around the house
·         around the garden
·         in the kitchen, food & recipes
·         money saving tips for families and children
·         Energy saving tips…. keeping warm
·         Water saving tips

·         Recycling tips
·         Saving on the internet
·         In the garage, car, transport
·         beauty, fashion, holidays, weddings
·         money saving tips for pets
·         Entertainment and leisure
·         how to make things at home

For more information ring Mike Haywood on 07966757318

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Have you got a beady eye for bargains and a craving for saving?

Yvonne and I are starting to organise a one-off, free event open to all villagers, old and young, to come together and swop money saving ideas. We are looking for some volunteers to help with running the event on the day. It will be on a Saturday morning in October or November for 2 hours, say 10 to 12. We will pay for the Hall and there will be no entry charge. We want to make it clear that there will not be anything for sale. It will be an opportunity just to share and find practical ideas to cut back on day to day costs. Thrifty is cool.
We envisage having lots of tables, and each table dedicated to one topic. We write our ideas on yellow postits for everyone to see, (but there may be other ways of doing it). People can bring examples of their thriftiness to show.
Money Saving Topics that can be covered include……. 
  • around the house
  • around the garden
  • in the kitchen, food & recipes
  • money saving tips for children
  • Energy saving tips……. How to keep warm
  • Water saving tips
  • Recycling tips
  • on the internet
  • In the garage, car, transport
  • beauty, fashion, holidays, weddings,
  • Random tips
  • make a few pounds 
  • how to make things at home

If you would like to help, and/or have any suggestions about how the event can be staged, please email or ring 07966757318

Mike and Yvonne

Thursday, September 13, 2012


The next Bookswap is Saturday 27 October 10 am to 12 noon in the Coffee Lounge, St Mabyn Post Office and Stores.  Hope to see you there.  If you require more information call Angela Bunney 01208 841511


Members and friends of St Mabyn Garden Club spent a very enjoyable day at RHS Rosemoor Gardens, Torrington, North Devon on our Autumn Outing.  Though the weather was showery we managed to explore the variety of gardens for which Rosemoor is famous.  My favourite was the Potage and Herb Garden, though the Vegetable and Fruit Garden area was a close second. The apple trees were weighed down by the amount of fruit that the branches were asked to carry. As our summer has been rather wet the flower gardens were not at their best, but even so it was lovely just wandering from one garden scenario to the next.  In all it was agreed that Rosemoor is certainly somewhere people with a love of gardens and gardening should visit.

 Don't forget October is the month that we start our meetings in St Mabyn Village Hall 7.30pm every second Wednesday of the month up to and including May 2013.  For our next meeting on 10th October we have Sandra Goodswen on From Garden to Wld Flower Meadow.  Should be very interesting.  Do come along, you will be made very welcome and I am sure you will enjoy the evening.  For more details contact Angela Bunney  on 01208 841511.

Sunday, September 09, 2012


The St Mabyn Players are planning another special ‘Bingo Night Out’ with cash prizes on Saturday 29th September – ‘eyes down’ at 7.30pm in St Mabyn Village Hall.   Entry is £4 and will include nibbles and a dessert plus tea/coffee. Prize money will, once again, generate from the sale of bingo cards during the evening, and everyone (over 18) is welcome to bring their own alcohol.   The last Players’ special Bingo Night Out was a sell out when more than 80 people came along to enjoy the fun.  The generous cash prizes were very well received and, on that occasion, the happy winner of the Flyer went home with a bumper price of £50.  What’s more, 30 other cash prizes were won during the evening.  The prize money does, of course, depend on the proceeds from the sale of bingo cards and may vary accordingly.

Once again, the evening promises to be a lot of fun with the numbers being called by Tony Dickinson in his own inimitable style.

As this event is attracting a great deal of support and most of the tickets are already sold, early booking is recommended.   As usual, tables for eight may be booked in advance.

Tickets may be obtained from Tony Dickinson 01208 841314 or Audrey Cooke (01208 841607 –

Friday, September 07, 2012


Minutes of the Meeting of St Mabyn Parish Council held on Tuesday, 7th August 2012 in the Memorial Hall at 7.00pm.

Present: Cllrs. A Finnamore (Chairman), N Embley (Vice Chairman), Mrs A Bunney, Mrs C Bray, D Masters, M Grigg, M Menhenitt, R Chadwick. Also attending: Mrs J Hoskin (Parish Clerk) 51 Members of the public .

1.Public Session: The Chairman had extended the public session to 45 minutes to allow the members of the public to express their views on the building of a proposed wind turbine at Tregaddock. A planning application had not yet been submitted. Clean Earth Energy had held a public consultation event in the Memorial Hall on Wednesday, 11th July 2012.
Mr James Mutton, also representing Mr Ian Lobb and Clean Earth Energy read a statement stating that the project had been cancelled and at this time there were no alternative plans. Mr Mutton hoped that the parish would support renewable energy projects.
Mr Richard Jenkin thanked Mr Mutton for his co-operation to the strong public feelings against the proposal and spoke on various matters relating to renewable energy.
Members of the public were given the opportunity to voice their opinions in support or against renewable energy schemes and in particular the proposed wind turbine. The Parish Council were thanked for allowing the public to express their views.
Councillors with the exception of Cllr Mrs Barret refrained from responding or commenting on the discussions held and remained impartial as no planning application had been received.
The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and closed the public session at 7.45pm.


(Members of the public and Cllr Mrs H Barrett left the meeting)

Cllr Mrs H Barrett: Councillors expressed their concerns that Cllr Mrs Barrett had attended Agenda Item 1 of this meeting (the public session), sat amongst the members of the public, commented on renewable energy projects and left without speaking to the Clerk or Councillors. The Clerk was asked to write to Cllr Mrs Barrett expressing the Councils concerns about her actions.

Police: The Clerk read an email from PCSO Lloyd Paynter identifying the three reported crimes within the parish received since the 3rd April 2012. These consisted of one incident of criminal damage to a property, one theft and one failure to stop after an accident. The police had an amount of wood stain, available free to organisations for community projects.

Cornwall Council: No report received.

14.2 At this point of the Meeting the Chairman brought forward Agenda Item 14.2 Parish Council Vacancy: Mr Guy Brindle had applied for the vacancy and was invited to introduce himself to the Council and ask any questions. Councillors agreed to co-opt Mr Brindle onto the Parish Council and invited him to join them for the remainder of the meeting. The Clerk will provide Cllr Brindle with a copy of relevant documents including the newly adopted policies and Code of Conduct information.

2. Apologies: The Clerk had received emails from Cllr Mrs H Barrett and PCSO Paynter presenting their apologies.

3. Members Declaration of Interest: None declared at this stage of the meeting.

4. Minutes: The Minutes of the Meeting held on the 3rd July 2012 (Parts 1 and 2 and the Closed Session) as circulated, were confirmed and signed by the Chairman.

5. Matters Arising:
Item 6.2 Section 106 development money held by Cornwall Council: The Clerk was awaiting a reply following further enquiries as to how the education need for the S.106 money from the Mabena Lea development site had been identified at Wadebridge School and what the money had been used for.

6. Planning Applications: There were no applications received for consideration at this meeting and no decisions reported.
Planning Matters: The Clerk read an email from a resident at Longstone stating that the site of the old filling station was up for sale, and questioned the information on the sale board in relation to the planning permission granted. The Clerk will seek clarification.

7. Accounts / Financial Matters: Financial report issued as Part 2 of these minutes.
The Clerk circulated the HMRC receipt and bank statement clarifying that the reclaimed Vat money had been received up to the 31st March 2012.

7.1 Additional Diamond Jubilee Money Boxes: The Council agreed to order a further 72 money boxes to meet the orders received from parishioners. The jubilee committee will reimburse the Parish Council to offset these costs.

8. Grass Cutting Contract 2012: The trimming of the hedge in Station Road had now been completed.

9. CC Local Maintenance Project 2012/2013: The contractor will be asked to cut the footpath between the village green and the school although this path was not an identified public right of way.
It was reported that bags of dog faeces were being left in this area.

10. Playing Field – Inspection Reports: Cllrs A Finnamore and Cllr G Brindle will carry out the forthcoming inspections. The junior goal posts need to be dismantled before placing them in the shed.

11. St Mabyn Neighbourhood Plan – Meeting in September 2012: Nothing to report. Correspondence on the Neighbourhood Plan (General) Regulations 2012 had been received.

12. Updated Standing Orders Policy to be distributed to Councillors and signed. Councilors received a copy of the updated policy.

13. Correspondence: The Clerk presented the correspondence file.

14. To Agree / Discuss:
1) Report from the Cornwall Council Community Network Meeting, if available: No recent meetings had been held.
2) Parish Council Vacancy: Discussed after Item 1 of this meeting.

15. Parish Matters / Any Other Business:
a) Traffic: Councilors noted comments about the speed of traffic passing through the village and in particular past the entrance to the Mabena Lea development. The existing road markings in the village required re-painting. Additional marking and signage would further warn drivers to slow down. It was noted that children from the development were throwing sticks at passing vehicles.
In other parts of the village, some local residents were driving the wrong way down Watergate Lane.

16. Date of next Meeting: Tuesday, 4th September 2012.

17. To close the Meeting: There being no further business the Meeting closed at 8.50pm.

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