St Mabyn Village News

News from the village of St.Mabyn in North Cornwall...

Sunday, October 28, 2012

St Mabyn School joins Super- Academy

EDUCATION Secretary Michael Gove has given the green light for five primary schools to join forces and form a new "super-academy". Bodmin's St Petroc's, St Mabyn and St Tudy, near Wadebridge, St Winnow, at Lostwithiel, and Lerryn will come together under the umbrella of the new Saints' Way Multi-Academy Trust and will opt out of local authority control on December 1st. This is Cornwall article

Friday, October 26, 2012


On Saturday 27th October from 10am - 12 noon, as well as the monthly BOOK SWAP, there will be a CAKE BAKE SALE for the St Mabyn scout group. All proceeds go towards the building fund for the new scout hut.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

October offers

St Mabyn Post Office and Stores have some great October offers in their new Shoplocally leaflet!! Stock up early for Christmas with 1 Litre spirits at £17.49. They also have some great wine deals with Echo Falls and Kumala at 2 for £10 and Valancia at 2 for £7.50. Half price chocolates with Milk Tray 400g at £3.89 and Chocalate Oranges at £1.60! St Mabyn Post Office - more than just a village store!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Andrew Jago Exhibition

Exhibition of original landscape paintings by Andrew Jago, an impression of familiar motifs from North Cornwall during the golden hour. Rock Village Institute 17th - 28th October.
Some lovely paintings of St Mabyn and Longstone can be spotted here too!
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Monday, October 15, 2012

FOR SALE – building materials

Roofing Tiles, ridge tiles, copings, and gate pier copings We have a variety of new and “previously loved” building materials that we are selling in aid of charity. If you know anyone who is building an extension or tidying up a wall, please pass the message along. We have: ROOF TILES: Approx. 1,000 Redland Stonewold concrete tiles – around £1 per tile RIDGE TILES: about 18, £1 each TAPERED COPINGS: 33x 24”x18” – look smart on top of a stone wall: £4.00 each (new) GATE PIER COPINGS: 10x 20”x20” - pyramid style, £4 each (new) For more information, call Cliff on 01208 812 295 or Terry on 01208 815 418. See photos here

Saturday, October 13, 2012


When the newly formed St Mabyn Players presented their first Christmas Comedy Extravaganza in December 2011 in St Mabyn Village Hall, they could not have imagined that they would have sell out performances with standing ovations for each show. It has therefore been decided to extend the Extravaganza to cover the four nights of 12- 15th December this year, and tickets are already selling fast for each performance. St Mabyn Village Hall now has its own sophisticated and versatile lighting and sound equipment installed, with much appreciation to David Hudson (Old Rocker Productions) for his time and invaluable technical support. St Mabyn’s Tony Dickinson, who has appeared and starred in a number of local productions, is performing as well as producing and directing the show which, once again, promises to be a hilarious mix of musical comedy and sketches. Performances start at 7.30pm and the cost of tickets remains at £7.50, which will include a delicious pasty supper, followed by a dessert and tea and coffee. Early booking is recommended and tables for eight will, as usual, be laid out cabaret style and may be booked in advance. Over 18s are welcome to bring their own alcohol. Enquiries and tickets, please phone Audrey 01208 841607 ( or Tony 01208 841314.

Friday, October 12, 2012


For St Mabyn Garden Club's first talk of the Autumn we were very pleased to welcome back Sandra Goodswen. With a variety of slides we were shown how a corner of your garden can transformed into a beautiful and colourful place full of wild flowers and plants. From trees to snowdrops, creating vistas through to enjoy the countryside and even using sculpture to bring a little more interest to the area can enhance you wild garden. After thanking Sandra for such an interesting talk our chairman John Lobb announced that tea and biscuits were now being served. The next meeting of the Garden Club is on Wednesday 14th November, St Mabyn Hall 7.30pm. Lorraine Turnbull will be giving us a talk and slides on Fruit Trees – Apples and Pears. Lorraine always gives us very informative and amusing talk and our members are already looking forward to the evening. Membership is still £5.00 per annum. Please note that our Christmas Party this year will be on Wednesday 5 December. For more details please contact Angela Bunney 01208 841511.

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

St Mabyn and Community bulk buying of Heating Oil starts - 15th October

Anyone in St Mabyn and locality interested in the bulk buying of heating oil? This oil buying club is just being launched by a Cornish charity and might interest you.

Friday, October 05, 2012


Minutes of the Meeting of St Mabyn Parish Council held on Tuesday, 4 th September 2012 in the St Mabyn Memorial Hall at 7.30pm.

Present: Cllrs. A Finnamore (Chairman), N Embley (Vice Chairman), Mrs A Bunney, G Brindle, R Chadwick, M Menhenitt, M Grigg. Also attending: Mrs J Hoskin (Parish Clerk) PCSO Lloyd Paynter (Police Neighbourhood Beat Officer) Three members of the public

1.Public Session: The Chairman invited the members of the public to address the Council, if they so wished. A local resident made a request to rent the fenced off section at the burial ground, and offered to tidy the site and keep chickens on the land. .
The Council were questioned about the newspaper report printed in the “Down your Way” section of the Cornish Guardian newspaper following the last Parish Council meeting when discussion were held on the proposals for a wind turbine at Tregaddock and the withdrawal of these proposals by Mr Mutton, Mr Lobb and Clean Earth Energy. This report was inaccurate and a misrepresentation of the meeting.
The Clerk reported that a correction has been published in the newspaper stating that the article was not a report from the Parish Council but an account submitted by a private individual and incorrectly headed “St Mabyn Parish Council”.

Police: PCSO Paynter donated a tin of wood preserver courtesy of Tech-Build in Bodmin for community projects. PCSO Paynter outlined the neighbourhood staffing team for Bodmin Town and the rural areas.
The police had received one reported crime during the last month being damage to the wheel arch of a car. Councilors reported the problems with children who were throwing stones and other objects at vehicles when passing the Mabena Lea development. The children were identified and the situation will be monitored.

(Members of the public left the meeting at 8.00pm)

Cornwall Council: No report received.

2. Apologies for non attendance were received from Cllrs. Mrs H Barrett, D Masters, Mrs C Bray.

3. Members Declaration of Interest: None declared at this stage of the meeting. Cllr G Brindle received a copy of the Parish Councils polices – Standing orders etc.
The Clerk had received updated information relating to the Register of Interests - Section 29 of the Localism Act 2011.

4. Minutes: The Minutes of the Meeting held on the 7th August 2012, as circulated, were confirmed and signed by the Chairman.

5. Matters Arising:
Item 1 Letter to Cllr Mrs H Barrett: Each councilor had received a copy of the letter approved by the Chairman and sent to Cllr Mrs Barrett along with a copy of the reply received.
Item 10 Playing Field: The Chairman had received a letter from a parishioner that included concerns about the junior goal posts. These posts had now been dismantled and placed in the shed.

It was suggested that the posts be kept inside over the winter months and repaired, repainted and replaced back onto the field in the Spring 2013. The nets could be fixed by cable ties.

6. Planning Applications:
PA12/04987 Mr David Bishop, Trelowarth, Watergate Lane, St Mabyn –
Conversion of garage to games room and rear entrance porch. Support.
It was agreed that a delegation of the planning committee could carry out site visits for small type applications and it was unnecessary for the whole committee to attend.

Planning Matters:
Benbole Farm – Solar panel development: The Clerk read an email reply from St Kew Parish Council which confirmed that the original company who had submitted the planning application had now ceased trading and the offer of a community fund was not taken on by the company who had now obtained the development, so funding was no longer an option.

Mabena Lea – S106 Money: Having now received a contact name and number for the department that dealt with the S106 money from the Mabena Lea development, the Clerk agreed to purse enquiries as to why money was not allocated for educational needs within the parish.

7. Accounts / Financial Matters: Financial Report issued as Part 2 of these Minutes.

7.1 St Mabyn Neighbourhood Watch Account: An annual bank statement had been passed to the Parish Council. The Council was happy to hold this money alongside Parish Council funds but agreed that the existing signatories needed to pass the money over to the Parish Council and officially close the Neighbourhood Account or obtain forms to update the names and signatories. A letter was required from the Neighbourhood Committee.

7.2 Award for All Funding: The Chairman and Clerk had completed the forms to clarify that the project had been completed.

8. Grass Cutting Contract 2012/2013: The contractor will be reminded to remove the grass when cutting the field and burial ground. It was appreciated that the recent inclement weather made it difficult to collect the grass.

9. CC LMP Footpaths: The contractor will be asked to review the paths for any additional cuts required.

10. Playing Field: Junior goal posts discussed under Item 5 of this meeting. Cllr G Brindle reported on recent inspections. Cllr R Chadwick agreed to complete the forthcoming inspections. A further letter will be sent to the local resident depositing garden waste into the playing field.

11. St Mabyn Community Plan: Cllr G Brindle had carried out some research into neighbourhood plans and produced information for the Council. The Cornwall Core Strategy document would be published in September / October and it was agreed to await the information contained in the publication.
Cllr G Brindle will attend the Neighbourhood meeting at Wadebridge to gain further information on the way a plan was being jointly developed for Wadebridge, St Breock and Egloshayle.

12. Correspondence: Files presented.

Parishioners letter: As mentioned under Item 1 of this meeting the Chairman had received a further letter from a local resident which contained repetitive information, and included matters relating to the playing field and the displaying of parish council minutes. It was agreed that no response will be sent.
Cornwall & Isles of Scilly NHS Trust: Details promoting the Health Information Line.

13. To Agree / Discuss:
1) Cornwall Council Community Network Meeting: The meeting scheduled for the 27th September 2012 had been postponed until the 11th October 2012.

14. Parish Matters / Any other Business:
a) Highway matters: Some highway drains had been cleaned although the ditches required cleaning to divert the surface water into the roadside gullies.

b) Burial Ground: The Council discussed the request made under Item 1 of this meeting and
agreed that the legal owner of the land (Parish Council or Glebe Committee) be clarified. The Parish Clerk will make further enquiries. The current condition of the land was discussed along with the request made to keep chickens. It was also suggested that the fence could be removed to encompass the area back into the burial ground. It was agreed to place the item on the agenda for the next meeting.

15. Date of next Meeting: Tuesday, 2nd October 2012.

16. To close the Meeting: There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.15pm.

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

St Mabyn School Trustees

As part of the preliminary work for the Academy conversion, the
Diocese's solicitors tracked down the deeds of the original School and
establish the identity of the School's trustees.  They discovered that
part of the site of the School was conveyed in 1846 to the then Vicar
of St Mabyn and the Archdeacon of Cornwall and their successors in
office, and the remaining part of the site was conveyed in 1895 to
three local residents as trustees.  There is currently no Vicar of St
Mabyn, and the individual trustees are long dead, so the School was
faced with a problem.  Fortunately the Charity Commission is prepared
to make a Scheme appointing the Truro Diocesan Board of Finance Limited as trustee of the School.

The Truro Diocesan Board of Finance Limited acts as Trustee of several
Church of England Schools in Cornwall.  The appointment of the new
Trustee does not in any way change the trusts on which the School is

REFERENCE : AB/C-356764/Operations Taunton

A Scheme is a legal document made by the Charity Commission. It is proposed to make a Scheme for this charity to appoint a new trustee.

A copy of the draft Scheme can be seen at:

The School Office
St Mabyn Church of England Primary School
St Mabyn
Cornwall PL30 3BQ

or a copy can be obtained by sending a stamped addressed envelope to:

Charity Commission First Contact, PO Box 1227, Liverpool, L69 3UG

quoting the above reference number or by visiting our website at:

Comments or representations on these proposals can be made to the Charity Commission within two weeks from the date of this notice, either by letter or by completing the form on our website.

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