Minutes of the Meeting of St Mabyn Parish Council held on Tuesday, 4th June 2013 at 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall, St Mabyn.
Present: Cllrs. A Finnamore (Chairman), Mrs A Bunney, Mrs C Bray, M Menhenitt, R Chadwick. Also attending: Mrs J Hoskin (Parish Clerk) Four members of the public
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and announced that Agenda Item 12 would be brought forward, to come after Agenda Item 3.
1.Public Session: Matters highlighted by the public were noted, and included the non emptying of the dog bins, dog fouling around the village, and the traffic speed within the village and at Longstone crossroads. The Chairman notified the public that Cornwall Council were to carry out some speed assessment checks along Station Road.
Local resident Mrs Barrett handed the Council a copy of a petition signed by residents making reference to financial matters, but not highlighting anything specific. It was agreed to address this matter under Item 16 of this meeting in a Closed Session.
The Chairman handed Mrs Barrett a letter, stating that matters raised by Mrs Barrett concerning the Non Domestic Rates for the Public Toilets for the 2010/2011 had been clarified by the Auditor and the matter was now closed. This item had been discussed in the past and the Council had agreed on several occasions that no further action would be taken, and this had been recorded in the minutes.
Police: The Clerk read a report from PCSO Lloyd Paynter that highlighted two reported crimes received since the 1st April 2013. These were the theft from a dwelling and a Communications Act 2003 incident.
The Police were aware of the concerns about the speed of traffic and could setting up a community speed watch scheme.
Cornwall Council: No report received.
2. Apologies for non attendance were received from Cllrs. M Grigg (Vice Chairman), J Rowe (Cornwall Council) and PCSO Paynter (Police Neighbourhood Beat Officer).
3. Members Declaration of Interest: None declared at this stage of the meeting.
12. Parish Council Vacancies (3)– to consider applications and co-option: The Chairman announced that two applications had been received from Mrs Penny Lloyd and Mr Steve Collop. Both candidates were present and introduced to Councillors. It was proposed by Cllr Mrs A Bunney and seconded by Cllr Mrs C Bray that both be co-opted with immediate effect. All were in favour.
Mrs Lloyd and Mr Collop were congratulated on their appointment and invited to join the Council and signed their “Declaration of Acceptance of Office”.
The remaining one vacancy will continue to be advertised.
The Clerk reminded all Councillors that stood in the 2nd May 2013 Election to send their “nil return” expenses forms back to Cornwall Council.
4. Minutes: The Minutes of the Annual General Meeting and Closed Session both held on the 7th May 2013, as circulated, were confirmed and signed by the Chairman.
5. Matters Arising:
Item 2 Public Session – The Clerk confirmed that the Minutes of the Parish Council Meetings, once approved, were published on the St Mabyn website.
Item 16.1 Bag of road salt: The bag of salt remained in the entrance to the playing field but would be removed.
6. Planning Applications / Planning Matters:
PA13/04059 Mrs Michelle Hyett, Pitt Farm, St Mabyn –
Extension of time of application to PA10/04210 dated 07/09/2010 for the conversion of barn to dwelling. Support.
Planning Decisions: No decisions reported.
Planning Training: Cllrs. Mrs A Bunney and Mrs C Bray will attend the “Introduction to Planning” training to be held at County Hall, Truro on the 18th June 2013.
7. Accounts / Financial Matters: Councillors approved the cheque payments presented. The finance report is issues as Part 2 of these minutes.
Chairman’s Allowance: The Clerk circulated information published by the National Association of Local Councils confirming the allowances available to the Chairman of a Parish / Town Council.
8. CC LMP Footpaths: Contractor, Mr Barnes had checked the footpaths and public rights of way and will carry out the trimming work, when required. The contractor will also be asked to trim the playing field boundary hedge along Watergate Lane, and trim around the dog bin adjacent to Rectory Drive.
9. Playing Field – Inspections Reports: The annual ROSPA safety inspection report had been received and copied to the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Cllr M Menhenitt to highlight any work required.
The Chairman presented the recent inspection reports that identified ongoing matters to be addressed by the “working party”. It was suggested that a sub-committee be set up to oversee the management of the field. The Chairman will produce a list of maintenance work required and interested parties will be sought to help carry out the repairs / cleaning and re-staining etc. The Chairman will liaise with Cllrs M Menhenitt and S Collop.
Cllr Mrs A Bunney and Mrs C Bray will complete the inspections for the forthcoming month.
The Clerk had received confirmation from local electrician Mr D Masters that the electricity supply in the shed had been tested and was safe for use.
The Clerk had received an email from a local resident Mr Heath enquiring about the junior goal posts. These posts had been vandalized and misused by the young people using the field and were currently in the shed awaiting repair. The Chairman had notified Mrs Nute about the decision of the Parish Council, as Mr & Mrs Nute had given a donation towards the provision of these posts some years ago. It was noted that the junior goal posts were initially intended for the village green, not playing field.
The large fixed goal posts were available for those wishing to play football.
The builders working on a local property had been asked not to obstruct the entrance to the playing field with their vehicles. The Clerk will look at costs for bollards to replace the existing barrier.
To consider options for vehicle parking for those using the playing field: Agreed to dismiss this matter as wording in the conveyance documents indicated that parking should not be permitted in the public playing field.
10. Neighbourhood Plan – to consider the contents of the Cornwall Core Strategy document, the advantages of creating a parish plan / development order and to consider forming a committee:
The Clerk reported on emails received from local resident Mr Gage Williams.
The Clerk also read a response to an email from Cornwall Council highlighting there was no timescale for local councils to produce parish plans. Councillors were to consider various options and look at the NCDC Local Development Plan as a basis for a new planning boundary development document
Further enquiries will be made with Cornwall Council.
11. Correspondence:
Clerks & Councils Direct – Magazine May 2013
Cornwall Council – Localism, Devolution and Green Community – Information Bulletin 17th May 2013
Cornwall Association of Local Councils Training – Cllrs. Mrs A Bunney and Mrs P Lloyd will attend the Councillors Skills Day on the 20th July 2013.
12. Parish Council Vacancies (3) – to consider applications and co-option: Item discussed after Agenda Item 3 of this meeting.
13. To Agree / Discuss:
a) Cornwall Council Community Network Meeting: The next meeting was being held on Thursday,
13th June 2013. The Clerk and Cllr A Bunney will attend. The Clerk reported on the restructuring of the Localism Team and the changes to the Community Networks. Mr David Chadwick had been appointed as the new Manager for the Wadebrdge Community Network.
b) The work required to repair the lighting in the public toilets: Cllr M Menhenitt and the Clerk reported on recommendations by the electrician to replace the controller and trip switch, replace the consumer box, replace the bulb holders with standard fixings (not screw in bulbs) and replace the outside light that was outdated and letting in water. The Council agreed for this work to be completed and authorised Cllr M Menhenitt to liaise with the contractor.
14. Parish Matters / Any other Business:
a) Seat at “The Cresent” – As agreed at the last meeting the Chairman had looked at the condition of the seat and informed the Council that a new section of wood was required. Cllr M Menhenitt agreed to look at the work needed.
b) Highway Matters – Potholes were forming in and around the centre of the village, near the church.
15. Date of next Meeting: Tuesday, 2nd July 2013.
16. To close the Meeting: There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.10pm.
Councillors were asked to remain for a Closed Session to discuss the document presented by Mrs Helen Barrett in the public session of this meeting under Agenda Item 1.