St Mabyn Village News

News from the village of St.Mabyn in North Cornwall...

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Jago exhibiting at Boscastle

For the whole of December you can see local illustrator Jago's  work exhibited at the National Trust Cafe in Boscastle. He's the first in a monthly rotation of artists from the Cruel & Curious Sea exhibition that took place at Stowe Barton earlier in the year... It's a lovely venue, so pop in for a coffee.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Wreath Making masterclass

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Solar Farm at At St Tudy

CORNWALL councillors have overruled planning officers and turned down proposals for a solar farm at St Tudy.

Cornish Crumpets

Angesalle Haslam-Hopwood and Becca Cecil-Wright from St Mabyn are in the news!
As part of a  group called The Cornish Crumpets they raised more than £1,500 in sponsorship for charities, including SANDS (Stillbirth and Neonatal Death), Children in Need and the Contented Dementia Trust.

Friday, November 15, 2013


A very full November meeting saw members and visitors enjoying an illustrated talk by Liskeard “Yellow Book” gardener Mike Stephens entitled ‘Herbs for the Kitchen’. A Q/A session followed the talk, plus plant sales, raffle, tea and refreshments.
Chairman John Lobb reminded  the meeting that the next get together is the Christmas Party (for members) on Wed 11th Dec at 7.15 for 7.30, where there will be a bring and share buffet, quiz, entertainment and – hopefully – some surprises too!  Remember to bring a wine glass!
A further reminder for members was given by the Chairman for the Sat 7th Dec Mistletoe Fair in the village hall from 12 to 4pm. The Garden Club will have a fund raising stall, so bring along your surplus plants, divided shrubs, cuttings, potted bulbs etc to be sold for club funds.
The next formal Club meeting will be Wed 8th of January at 7.30 with speaker Martin Lake on ‘Managing Compost’, where members old and new and visitors will be warmly welcomed.

Thursday, November 14, 2013


 Minutes of the Meeting of St Mabyn Parish Council held on Tuesday, 1st October 2013 in the Memorial Hall, St Mabyn at 7.30pm.
Present:  Cllrs. M Grigg (Vice Chairman),  Mrs A Bunney, Mrs P Lloyd, M Menhenitt, R Clarke, R Chadwick, Mrs C Bray, S Collop.
Also attending:  Mrs J Hoskin (Parish Clerk) Thirteen members of the public
In the absence of the Chairman, Cllr M Grigg (Vice Chairman) conducted the business for this meeting.
1.Public Session:  Members of the public had attended the meeting to raise their concerns about the proposed wind turbine at Treblethick Farm (PA11/10027 for Mr Ian Lobb).  The Council reiterated that this application was not on the agenda and not available for further consultation as the process had been carried out in December 2011 / January 2012.  However, Councillors respected the comments made and the fact that some residents were not living in the village when the application was first presented.
Despite comments that the applications process had not been carried out correctly the Clerk confirmed that the planning department had followed the consultation process as with all applications but the application had been pending for several months and the applicant had now decided to proceed.
The previous comments from the Parish Council objecting to this application would be considered.
This application was being presented to the Cornwall Council Planning Committee on the 7th October 2013 and members of the public were encouraged to write directly to the planning department expressing their objections.

Other matters raised were the results of the traffic speed check.  The Clerk reported that the Radar Class figures had been received from Cornwall Council and were available at the meeting for the public to read.
Dog Fouling continued to be problem around the village.  A request for more dog bins was made, and locations of the existing bins was explained.
Police:  No report received.
Cornwall Council: No report received.

2.  Apologies for non attendance were received from Cllrs. A Finnnamore (Chairman) and Cllr J Rowe (Cornwall Council).

3.  Members Declaration of Interest:  None declared at this stage of the meeting.

4.   Minutes:  The Minutes of the Meeting and Closed Session held on the 3rd September 2013, as circulated, were confirmed and signed by the Vice Chairman.

5.   Matters Arising:
Item 1 Police  - The Council approved the letter drafted by Cllr R Clarke to be sent to the Chief Constable.
Item 6 Planning Matters PA11/10027 Mr Ian Lobb, Treblethick Farm – Installation of a 50kw wind turbine.  Councillors considered the comments made in the public session of this meeting and agreed that many months had passed since the consultation process.  It was agreed that a letter be sent to the planning department expressing these concerns and asking that the consultation process be repeated to enable new residents to comment, should they wish to do so.
Cllr S Collop agreed to attend the Cornwall Council planning committee meeting on the 7th October 2013 and reiterate the concerns brought to the Parish Council by local residents.
Planning Applications / Planning Matters:
PA13/07973  (neighbouring parish)  INRG Solar Ltd, Land at Kelly Green Farm, St Tudy –
Installation of ground mounted photovoltaic solar arrays together with inverter stations, landscaping, stock fencing, security measures, access gate and ancillary infrastructure.
The Parish Council resolved to strongly object to this application owing to the visual impact it would have on the landscape, and to object to the misuse of good agricultural land that would be taken out of production should this be permitted.  St Mabyn Parish Council fully supported the objections submitted by St Tudy Parish Council.

Planning Decisions:   No decisions reported.
Item 9 Playing Field:  Cllrs.M Menhenitt and M Grigg will liaise to carry out the trimming of the boundary hedges.
Item 13 – To appoint a Parish Council representative onto the Memorial Hall Committee:  Councillors were advised that the next Hall meeting was being held on the 17th October 2013. The Chairman will be asked to attend if other Councillors are unable to do so.
Item 13 – Provision of electricity to street light on path between Church and St Mabyn Inn:  The Clerk reported that the Chairman had spoken with the new owners of the St Mabyn Inn and they were happy to keep the electricity supply connection for the street light on their premises.
7.  Accounts / Financial Matters:  Councillors approved the cheque payments presented.  The finance report is issues as Part 2 of these minutes.
8.  CC Local Maintenance Project - Footpaths:  Nothing to report.
9.  Playing Field – Inspection Reports:  Cllrs R Clarke and M Menhenitt reported on the inspections recently completed.  The bins had been emptied but there was litter around the field. The barrier outside the main entrance gates had been damaged and broken off.
The Clerk reported that Outdoor Play People would carry out an assessment of the work required to the equipment and surface areas
Local resident Mrs Halworth continued to dump rubbish from her garden into the playing field, ignoring previous letters asking her not to do this.  Cllr Mrs C Bray has also endeavored to contact her, without success.   A further letter will be sent also indicating that the Parish Council will seek to recover costs should they have to pay a contractor to remove any garden rubbish.
The bag of salt at the entrance will now be dumped and costs will be obtained for a grit bin, filled with salt.
10.  Neighbourhood Plan – to consider the contents of the Cornwall Core Strategy document, the advantages of creating a parish plan / development order and to consider forming a committee. 
The Clerk and Cllr M Menhenitt will attend the Neighbourhood Planning Seminar on the 3rd October 2013 and report back.
11.  Correspondence: 
Superfast Cornwall -  Notification of the Superfast Cornwall Fund for local businesses.
12.  Parish Council Vacancy.  No applications received.  The vacancy will continue to be advertised.
13.  To Agree / Discuss:
Cornwall Council Community Network Meeting, if available:  No report received.
Update following the problems with the sewage system from Mabena Lea:  Nothing to report.
The Parish Council agreed to monitor this.
The report by Cornwall Council following the traffic monitoring exercise in Station Road. As reported under Item 1 of this meeting the speed radar figures had been received and did not identify any serious speeding problems.  However, it was felt that the recording data was incorrectly positioned too far down the road.
To consider providing a Parish Council Notice Board in Station Road:  Cllr M Menhenitt will contact Cormac Solutions (Highways) to seek their consent to erect a new notice board on the pavement against the hedge and next to the existing notice board.
Provision of electricity to street light on path between Church and St Mabyn Inn:  Discussed under Agenda Item 5 of this meeting.
14.  Parish Matters / Any other Business: 
a)  Western Greyhound 561 Bus Service:  It was reported that this daily bus service was to be withdrawn leaving no public transport visiting the village, local areas and towns.  It was agreed to send a letter to the bus company seeking clarification, and copy this to the Cornwall Councillor responsible for transport.
b)  Public Toilets:  A report had been received about the condition of the public toilets, the standard of maintenance being carried out, and facilities provided.  Councillors were asked to look at the toilets and agreed that this item be placed on the agenda for the next meeting.
15.  Date of next Meeting:  Tuesday, 5th November 2013.
16.  To close the Meeting:  There being no further business for this meeting the  Vice Chairman asked Councillors to remain for a closed session.  The time being 9.08pm  
17.  Closed Session – to discuss further confidential correspondence and advice received from the County Council Solicitor and any other outside organisations.  To consider payment to the Clerk for additional hours worked dealing with legal matters and to consider the reimbursement of any expenses incurred by Councillors during this time.  Minutes recorded separately.


Minutes of the Meeting of St Mabyn Parish Council held on Tuesday, 3rd September 2013 in the Memorial Hall, St Mabyn at 7.30pm.

Present:  Cllrs. A Finnamore (Chairman),  Mrs A Bunney, Mrs P Lloyd, Mrs C Bray,  M Menhenitt, R Clark.
Also attending:  Mrs J Hoskin (Parish Clerk)
                             Five members of the public
                             PCSO Lloyd Paynter (Police Neighbourhood Officer) arrived at 8.35pm.

1.Public Session:  The Chairman invited the members of the public to address the Council if they so wished.  Local residents were awaiting the results of the recent traffic monitoring process at Station Road, and expressed their disappointment In the lack of help from the police and other organisations. Parking around the village, particularly around the areas of the public house and school were also a problem.  It was agreed the information collated from the ‘black box’ monitoring be obtained.

Mrs Barry had read with interest the letter placed on the notice board, being a response to parishioners who had signed a recent petition.   Mrs Barry, a past Councillor herself, expressed  her support to the Parish Council, stating that it would be helpful if matters contained in the “closed session’ minutes could be explained within the minutes of the main council meetings.  Also Mrs Barry stated it would be helpful to the public if Councillors details were publicised.  Cllr R Clarke stated that only a few parishioners attended the Parish Council meetings and on most occasions they left after the public session.
It was confirmed that the Council would not be setting up a Neighbourhood Plan committee at this meeting.

Mr Tim Martin indicated that he was considering reducing the size of a wind turbine for Trethick Farm from 77 meters to 47 meters, and asked Councillors their views.  The Chairman stated that consideration to the proposal could only be discussed if and when an amended or new planning application was submitted.

                                           (Four members of the public left the meeting)

Cornwall Council:  No report received.

Police:  Cllr PCSO Lloyd Paynter arrived at 8.35pm and presented his report.  There were no reported crimes for the past month.  PCSO Paynter  stated that PCSO could not issue parking fines but PC’S or senior officer could do so.  Cornwall Council now managed parking on yellow lines.
PCSO Paynter was happy to arrange a speed checks along Station Road although this was a non enforceable exercise. Cornwall Council controlled the budget and management of speed cameras.
Flashing speed advisory signs had an impact on some drivers.
Cllr R Clark agreed to draft a letter to be sent to the Chief Constable.

                                 (PCSO Paynter left the meeting at 9.05pm)

2.  Apologies for non attendance were received from Cllr M Grigg (Vice Chairman), R Chadwick, S Collop.

3.  Members Declaration of Interest:  None declared at this stage of the meeting.

4.  Minutes:  The Minutes of the Meeting held on the 6th August 2013, as circulated, were confirmed and signed by the Chairman.

5.  Matters Arising:  There were no matters arising from the Minutes.

6.  Planning Applications / Planning Matters:
PA13/07110  St Mabyn Inn and Restaurant, Churchtown, St Mabyn –
Proposed refurbishment to include conversion of storage areas to kitchen and restaurant.  Demolition of existing sub-standard wash up area to create internal toilets and rear access passage.
Support, as recommended by the Planning Committee.

Planning Matters –
PA11/10027 Mr I Lobb, Treblethick Farm, St Mabyn – Installation of a 50kw micro generation wind turbine on a 29.6 metre monopole tower with three blades and a rotor diameter of 20.9 metres.
The Clerk had received and email from the Cornwall Council planning officer on the 15th August 2013, stating that this application was being recommended for approval and asked if the Parish Council had changed their views.  The Council had not changed their recommendation to object – it was agreed to defer this, if possible to the next meeting.

Planning Decisions:  No decisions reported.

7.  Accounts / Financial Matters:  Councillors approved the cheque payments presented.  The finance report is issued as Part 2 of these minutes.

8.  CC Local Maintenance Project – Footpaths:  Nothing to report.

9.  Playing Field – Inspection Reports- Email from resident regarding equipment / entrance:
Cllrs M Menhneitt and R Clark had completed the recent inspections and Cllr R Clark presented the report. It was agreed to ask the Outdoor Play People to carry out repairs required to the equipment.
Cllr M Grigg will be asked to organise the trimming of the boundary hedges.
Cllrs M Menhenitt and R Clark agreed to carry out the inspections for the forthcoming month.
It was agreed that during busy times of the year inspections be carried out on a weekly basis and possibly two weekly during the autumn/ winter months.

10.  Neighbourhood Plan – to consider the contents of the Cornwall Core Strategy document, the advantages of creating a parish plan / development order and to consider forming a committee:
Cllrs. Mrs P Lloyd, A Bunney and the Clerk will attend the Cornwall Council seminar on Neighbourhood Planning on the 3rd October 2013.  Cllr S Collop will also be invited to attend.

11.  Correspondence:
Cornwall Council – Information on meetings to discuss Community Emergency Planning;
Cornwall Council – Driving safer for longer workshop at Bodmin on 18th September 2013
Cornwall Council – Public meetings to discuss the forthcoming County Council budget at Wadebridge on 13th September 2013 and Bodmin on the 12th September.

12.  Parish Council Vacancy – to consider applications and co-option:  No applications received.

13.  To Agree / Discuss:
Cornwall Council Community Network meeting, if available:  No report, the next meeting will be held on the 12th September 2013.
Update following the problems with the sewage system from the Mabena Lea development: Cllr M Menhenitt reported that the Environment Agency were monitoring the situation and liaising with the developer to resolve the problems.
Dog Bins and frequency of emptying:  Bins should be emptied once a week, and it was noted that this had been done.
To appoint a Parish Council representative onto the Memorial Hall Committee:  It was agreed that any member of the Parish Council would attend the Hall meetings, if available.
To consider providing a Parish Council notice board in Station Road: Cllr M Menhenitt agreed to contact Cornwall Council (Cormac Solutions) seeking their approval to place a new board alongside the existing board.
Provisions of electricity to street light on path between Church and St Mabyn Inn: The St Mabyn Inn public house had been sold and the outbuildings were to be converted. The supply to the street light was currently connected to their supply.  The Chairman agreed to speak to the new landlords to see if they were happy to keep this arrangement.  Alternatively the supply could be wired from another source.

14.  Parish Matters / Any other Business: 
Grass Cutting Contractor:  The contractor will be asked not to obstruct the pavement having parked alongside a drop kerb restricting access for mobility scooters, baby buggies etc.
Street Lights:  Some street lights were being obscured by overhanging trees. Councillors were asked to provide the Clerk with the street light numbers and Cornwall Council will be notified.
Helland Bridge to B3266:  Overgrown trees in this area will be reported to Cornwall Council, requesting that landowners be asked to trim roadside hedges.

15.  Date of next Meeting:  Tuesday, 1st October 2013.

16.  To Close the Meeting to the public – Closed Session:  The meeting was closed to the public.  The time was 9.25pm.

17.  Closed Session:  Minutes recorded separately.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Parish Council minutes?

There has to be a better way!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Remembrance Day

Saturday, November 09, 2013

Parish Council meeting agenda November

Friday, November 08, 2013

'Allo 'Allo... coffee morning

Just a reminder that The Players are holding a coffee morning with bric-a-brac and cake sale at Gleneagles (third bungalow from the war memorial in Station Road, St Mabyn) tomorrow the 9th between 10-12noon.  You are guaranteed a very warm welcome and we'd love you to join us and meet some of our very talented performers.  Our coffee mornings are always pretty lively and very well supported

'Allo 'Allo is going to be a fabulous show and is now running for six performances due to heavy ticket sales! It is also a very expensive business - royalties alone cost £450!  We won't even attempt to give you a breakdown of all our other expenses, including costumes and specially constructed set, plus sophisticated lighting and sound.  Suffice to say that our fundraisers help to offset some of these very heavy overheads so do come along and support us.  Donations of bric-a-brac and cakes, or even a raffle prize would be very welcome.

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Wind turbine full reason for refusal

The proposed turbine would result in the introduction of a prominent, tall and alien feature in this landscape, which would be viewed amongst other man made features detracting from public views of the locality by cumulatively increasing the perceived human influence on the landscape and on the setting of heritage assets, impacting upon the qualities and inherent values, including recreational use, of the Cornish landscape.  The public benefit derived from the wind turbine would not outweigh the harm to the landscape character. The proposal is therefore contrary to Para's 97, 109, 126, 131 and 132 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2012, Policies ENV1, ENV12 and TRU4 of the North Cornwall District Local Plan 1999, guidance within PPS5 Planning for the Historic Environment: Historic Environment Planning Practice Guide and Policies 1, 15, 23 and 24 of the emerging Cornwall Local Plan Strategic Policies 2010-2030 Pre-submission document March 2013.
With thanks to Jeremy Rowe for info.

Calender Girls Wadebridge

Ruth  Ellery, Jeremy Rowe and Margaret Mutton star in Calender Girls.
The tickets are on sale!! They are available from one step ahead Wadebridge, priced £7. The seats are numbered so book early to avoid disappointment.

St Mabyn church 1909

Photo courtesy of J. Waters

Church belltower

Leaf has been putting her Yacht-master skills to a different use and has spliced new Sallys to the bell ropes.  Ross Frances and Leaf have put a lot of free hours into this. Dave Masters has put new lighting in the tower too.
Photos courtesy of S. Collop

Monday, November 04, 2013

Turbine application turned down.

PA11/10027 – Treblethick Farm, St Mabyn, Bodmin, PL30 3BY
East Sub-Area Planning Committee Monday, 4th November, 2013

The wind turbine application was turned down 11-1. landscape and heritage impact.

Wind Turbine Treblethick Farm comments

PA11/10027  Installation of a 50 kW micro generation wind turbine on a 29.6 metre monopole tower with three blades and a rotor diameter of 20.9 metres  Treblethick Farm St Mabyn.
PA11/10027 Application Comments

Proposed solar farm St Tudy

PA13/07973 Land At Kellygreen Farm St. Tudy visible from St Mabyn.
Installation of ground mounted photovoltaic solar arrays together with inverter stations; landscaping; stock fencing; security measures; access gate; and ancillary infrastructure.

Visitors don’t mind wind farms

Wind and solar farms have become an accepted part of the Cornish landscape and can even enhance the visitor experience, according to a new survey of holidaymakers in Cornwall.

Saturday, November 02, 2013

Refurbishment of St Mabyn Inn Approved

PA13/07110 | Proposed refurbishment  of St Mabyn Inn And Restaurant  Approved with conditions.

Proposed two bedroom bungalow

Proposed two bedroom bungalow on land between Wheelright Cottage and Ivy Cottage Station Road St Mabyn.
Details of plans PA13/09502

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