Minutes of the Meeting of St Mabyn Parish Council held on Tuesday, 3rd June 2014 in the Memorial Hall, St Mabyn at 8.00pm
Present: Cllrs. A Finnamore, Mrs P Lloyd, S Collop, D Masters, M Menhenitt, R Chadwick, R Clark,
Mrs C Bray.
Also attending: Mrs J Hoskin (Parish Clerk) One member of the public.
In the absence of the Chairman and Vice Chairman the Councilors nominated Cllr A Finnamore to be chairman and conduct the business for this meeting.
1.Public Session: The Chairman invited the member of the public to address the Council if they so wished. No matters reported.
2. Apologies for non attendance were received from Cllrs. M Grigg (Chairman), Mrs A Martin (Vice Chairman).
3. Members Declarations of Interest: Cllr M Menhenitt declared an interest on Agenda Item 7.
4. Minutes: The Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on the 6th May 2013, as circulated, were confirmed and signed by the Chairman.
It was noted that Cllr Mrs P Lloyd had written a report for the parish magazine although this had not been recorded in the minutes.
5. Matters Arising:
Item 7 (12c) Overgrown Hedge: Cllr D Masters reported that the hedge would be trimmed in the Autumn of 2014.
Item 14 Parish Matters – Hall Committee Meeting: Cllr M Grigg was unable to attend the Hall Committee Meeting. Cllr Mrs C Bray offered to attend if Cllr Grigg was unavailable to do so.
6. Planning Applications / Planning Matters: There were no applications presented for consideration at this meeting and no decisions reported.
7. Accounts / Financial Matters: Councillors approved the cheque payments presented. The finance report is issued as Part 2 of these minutes.
Cllr M Menhenitt declared an interest and abstained for this Item.
Audit of Accounts 2013/2014 (year ended 31st March 2014): The Clerk presented Councillors with a copy of the year end accounts and the auditors report. These were approved by the Council and the Annual Audit Return form completed.
It was agreed that a copy of the accounts be posted on the Parish Council notice board once they had been ‘signed off’ by the appointed Auditors (Grant Thornton).
8. CC LMP Footpaths – to report email received about the condition of the paths:
The Clerk read an email concerning the paths from Helland – St Mabyn, via Longstone where the paths were reported to be overgrown and in one area, ploughed up and planted with crops.
The Clerk had acknowledged this email and notified the writer that the paths were being trimmed in late June / early July.
It was noted that dog feaces was continually being left on the path from the School to the St Mabyn Inn. Children at the school were making posters to publicise the law to clean up after your dog.
The Council agreed to offer a reward of £100.00 to anyone providing information that leads to the owners being prosecuted for allowing their dog to foul the public areas around the village.
9. Playing Field –monthly inspection reports / grass cutting:
Cllr R Clark presented the recent inspection reports. The debris inside the gate could easily be removed.
The wooden casing around the rubbish bin was gradually being demolished. Cllr S Collop agreed to look at the damage to the metal post.
It was agreed that the timber dumped behind the shed be removed.
A resident adjacent to the playing field continued to dump grass cuttings and garden rubbish into the
playing field. Letters had previously been sent to this person and Cllr Mrs C Bray had also visited the property. This was fly tipping and it was agreed that should this continue the Parish Council will instruct the Police and Solicitor to act on their behalf. The Council agreed to monitor the situation for the next month.
The timber equipment needed treating to retain a good appearance and regular maintenance. Councillors agreed to have a working party to address this matter.
It was noted that the trees inside the boundary hedges required trimming.
Cllr A Finnamore agreed to carry out the inspections for the forthcoming month.
10. Clerks Report: The Clerk had little to report but reminded Councilors of the CALC training programme and asked Councillors to contact her should they wish to attend any of these events.
11. Correspondence: No correspondence reported.
12. To Agree / Discuss:
Cornwall Council Community Network Meeting, if available: No report received.
Provision of a Parish Council Notice Board in Station Road: It was agreed to leave the existing board outside the Memorial Hall and purchase a new board for Station Road with a budget of
£ 300.00 being agreed for this. Cllr M Menhenitt was authorised to organise this work.
Cllr M Menhenitt was thanked for refurbishing the notice board outside the hall. It was reported that notices were being pinned to the outside of this notice board and any such notices will be removed.
Update on the proposals for a car park for the school etc: The Clerk will contact the Headteacher at the school for an update on this matter, noting that the public footpaths could be affected.
Neighbourhood Plan – to consider the aspects of a plan: Cllr S Collop reported that he had received emails from a local resident highlighting his support for solar panels. The question was raised as to the creation of a development boundary without a full neighbourhood plan.
(Cllr Mrs P Lloyd left the meeting at 9.45pm)
To consider publishing the agenda on the parish website: Having received a comment that the agenda was not being published on the parish website, Councillors confirmed that this had never been considered or agreed. It was decided to retain the current procedures for the publication of meetings by placing the agenda on the parish notice boards. The agenda will not be put onto the website.
13. Parish Matters / Any other business:
Mabena Lea (Midas Homes / Linden development): The problems with the sewage treatment plant first identified last year had not been resolved. Sewage continued to run into the stream and the open road drains. Letters will be sent to Cornwall Council Environmental Health and Building Regulations, the Environment Agency and South West Water.
Overgrown Hedges: The landowner of the property ‘Tregenza’ , Station Road will be reminded of their responsibility to trim the roadside hedge. The hedge between the entrance to Watergate Lane and Kelly Park also required trimming.
Pothole: A pothole outside Glebe Cottage will be reported to Cormac Solutions.
14. Date of next Meeting: Tuesday, 1st July 2014. Councillors agreed that this meeting, and all future meetings begin at 7.30pm. Cllr R Clark presented his apologies for this meeting.
15. To close the Meeting to the public. Closed session if required: There being no further business the Chairman closed this meeting at 9.05pm and asked Councillors to remain for a closed session.
Minutes separately recorded.