Minutes of the Meeting of St Mabyn Parish Council held on Tuesday, 5th August 2014 in the Memorial Hall, St Mabyn at 7.30pm.
Present: Cllrs. M Grigg (Chairman), Mrs A Martin (Vice Chairman), A Finnamore, R Clark, M Menhenitt, D Masters.
Also attending: Mrs J Hoskin (Parish Clerk)
PCSO Linda Thomas (Police Community Support Officer)
One Member of the Public
1.Public Session: The Chairman asked the member of the public is there were any matters she wished to raise. Mrs H Barrett questioned why the May 2014 minutes were not published. It was confirmed that these had been placed on the notice board and were sent to the website.
At this point of the meeting the Chairman confirmed that the agenda’s would not be published on the St Mabyn website.
Mrs Barrett then questioned the legal costs paid by the Parish Council over the past year and was reminded that she should direct any questions to the Cornwall Council Legal Department. Councillors agreed not to discuss these matters with her.
Mrs Barrett also commented on the sewage issues at the Mebena Lea development.
Cornwall Council: No report received.
Police: PCSO Linda Thomas confirmed there had been no reported crimes for June 2014 within the parish. A venue was being sought for the police surgeries and it was anticipated that the surgeries would be held at 6.45pm prior to the monthly Parish Council meetings. Discussions were being held to update the Neighbourhood Watch and set up a Horse Watch scheme. A closed Farm Watch had been started in Cardinham parish.
PCSO Thomas offered to assist the Parish Council with any individual issues, or legal instructions, if required.
2. Apologies for non attendance were received from Cllrs. S Collop, R Chadwick, Mrs P Lloyd.
3. Members Declarations of Interest: None declared at this stage of the meeting.
4. Minutes: The Minutes of the Meeting held on the 1st July 2014, as circulated, were confirmed and signed by the Chairman.
5. Matters Arising:
Item 13 Public Toilets – Cllrs. Mrs C Bray and Mrs A Martin reported that they had met with the cleaning contractor and she wished to continue with the work. Arrangements had been made for the cleaner to purchase cleaning materials and consumables and be reimbursed upon the evidence of receipts.
It had also confirmed that the toilets would be monitored throughout the day when large events were being held in the village.
It was agreed that the lighting be amended to over-ride the daylight sensor and the hinges on the doors be maintained. Cllr M Menhenitt offered to re-paint the inside of the building, when available along with the bus shelter. Cllr D Masters offered to assist with the above work.
6. Planning Applications / Planning Matters:
PA14/06079 Mr P Bate, Pitt Farm, St Mabyn – New dwelling (amendments to planning permission previously granted PA12/02377 – alteration in design and layout).
Cllr Mrs C Bray reported that the Committee had looked at the details of this application.
Planning Decisions: No decisions reported.
7. Accounts / Financial Matters: Coucillors approved the cheque payments presented. The finance report is issued as Part 2 of these Minutes.
8. CC LMP Footpaths: update on trimming of paths / contractor: Councillors agreed an hourly rate and instructed Mr Bray to carry out this work once up to date public liability insurance had been obtained.. Cllr Mrs C Bray and D Masters will liaise as to the priority in which the paths should be trimmed. Cllr Mrs C Bray declared an interest.
9. Playing Field: Cllr A Finnamore presented the recent inspection reports. It was agreed that costs be obtained to replace the seat and rubbish bins. Cllr D Masters will carry out inspections for the next month.
Cllr D Masters offered to inspect the electricity supply in the shed.
Thanks were expressed to Cllrs. M Menhenitt and R Chadwick for removing the fly tipped grass and garden waste inside the boundary hedge.
Cllrs M Grigg and M Menhenitt agreed to look at the post and wire fence on the boundary hedge in Station Road and replace any rotten posts, if needed.
BT Openreach had contacted the Chairman requesting permission to install a fibre optic broadband cable through the playing field which would allow an improved internet facility to be available to residents throughout the village. This cable will be placed close the boundary hedge and the field will be closed once a date for this work had been confirmed. Councillors unanimously agreed to support this request.
10. Correspondence urgent for this meeting:
Cornwall Council – Review of Polling Districts: Agreed to retain the polling station for ST Mabyn in the Village Hall.
Cornwall Council – Notification of forthcoming changes to new charges for certain types of waste at recycling centres.
Cornwall Council – Information Bulletins July 2014 including new waste charges and commemoration of the start of the First World War events, the Community Chest grants, the Welfare Reform and the Community Toolkit Trailer.
St Breward War Memorial Hall – Information on the proposals for a ‘Drop In’ facility for the provision of internet access and services for the residents of St Breward and adjoining parishes.
NHS Peninsula Community News – Spring 2014 magazine.
Information Commissioners Office: The Clerk reported on recent correspondence with the ICO.
11. To Agree / Discuss:
Provision of Notice Board in Station Road – update: Cllr M Menhneitt offered to contact the contractor appointed to carry out this work.
12. Parish Matters / Any other Business:
Defibrillator for Parish: Cllr Mrs C Bray suggested the Council looks at the cost of providing a defibrillator for the parish, something now being provided in many rural communities. It was agreed that the Clerk obtains further information and places this item on the agenda for the next meeting.
Mabena Lea: It was reported that the sewage treatment plant was being emptied on a regular basis, often every 2 days.
Village Green / Junior Goal Posts: It was agreed to leave the junior goal posts on the village green having received confirmation from the Headteacher that the school wished to use them in this location.
13. Date of next Meeting: Tuesday, 2nd September 2014
14. To close the Meeting: There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.35pm. A closed session was not required.