Dear Parishioners, an appeal for your support,
This is the biggest yearly fund raiser which we hold for the Village Hall. It is only through events such as this, supported by parishioners generosity, that the Hall continues to provide a vital venue for our community.
The super Adult Raffle. We welcome gifts of Christmas Cheer – Wine, Sherry, Port, Brandy, Chocolates, Christmas pudding, and such like.
Our Tombola has been a great success over the years. Do have a search around the house! Your gifts will be a great draw for people to spend some money!
The Cake Stall is always a big attraction. Contributions to this table including cakes and also chutneys, jams, mince pies, scones etc. entice many to indulge!
The Book Stall. Donations being received of books in excellent condition – worthy of being a Christmas present
We seem to get better every year and this year there is such a variety of stalls that there will be something for everyone’s taste- 19 diverse stalls in total!.
Mistletoe including seasonal greenery will be on sale too - £1 a bunch..
We have a lot of fun. Just when you think your feet need a rest, coffee/tea with a refill and a warm mince pie for £1.50 p.p. is on hand, with time to sit at a table and have a chat with friends - free fruit drinks for your children..
Do encourage friends to come along – they will not be disappointed.
Contact Helen Barrett on 841342 for further info.