Notes from agreed minutes of St Mabyn Parish Council Meeting, 2nd June 2009
County Council – Cllr C Brewer informed the Council of this being his last meeting representing St Mabyn parish, as he would be standing for the Wadebridge ward in the Elections in June 2009.
Following the resignation of Cllr Mrs C Cordell. The Council is grateful to Mrs Cordell for her service to the Council – a vacancy notice is on the Parish Notice Boards
It was agreed that a letter be sent to the Camel Community Support Agriculture (CCSA) supporting their project at St Kew.
Planning Permission Mr N Embley, Mabena House, Watergate Lane, St Mabyn – Erection of extension and replacement of roof – Refused.
Playing Field: Inspections continue to be carried out on a monthly basis. The Council awaits the play equipment company to get in touch regarding the siting and installation of the new grant funded swing and roundabout. The wall on the old changing rooms had been re-plastered. The Chairman had contacted the contractor in relation to the grass cutting work.
The disposal of grass cutting continued to be a problem. Cllrs agreed to the grass being disposed of at Tinten Manor by the Contractor.
Footpaths/ plus Longstone: In addition to trimming the footpath behind St Mabyn Chapel the contractor will be asked to trim the grass areas adjacent to the Longstone notice board and the parish seats. The Cornwall Council will be asked to trim the verges at Longstone and the visibility areas for the junctions off the B3266.
The Cornwall Council have not responded to the Parish Councils recent request to look at the poor condition of the footpath at Menkee. The Parish Council had not trimmed this path as they felt it was now unsafe for walkers. A new sign had been erected at Footpath No. 5 at Longstone.
Allotments: After hearing the contents of a letter received from Stratton & Holborrow dated the 20th May 2009, the Council resolved not to consider the inclusion of a car park on the area of Glebe land adjacent to the Memorial Hall. An alternative area for allotments on the site, different from that originally proposed, would be considered. The current tenant of the land had been notified of the Councils proposals. Another site at Glenmorris will also be considered.
Public Toilets – public access: The Council await the decision from the Memorial Hall Committee regarding the fencing of the boundary wall before making a decision on whether or not to provide an alternative access to the public toilets.
Cllr Helen Barrett