Minutes of the St Mabyn Parish Council Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday, 7th May 2013 at 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall, St Mabyn.
Present: Cllrs. A Finnamore, Mrs A Bunney, Mrs C Bray, M Menhenitt, M Grigg. R Chadwick. Also attending : Mrs J Hoskin (Parish Clerk) Cllr J Rowe (Cornwall Council)and six members of the public.
1.Councillors “Declaration of Acceptance of Office”: Prior to the start of the meeting, Councillors signed their Declarations of Acceptance of Office.
2. Public Session: Issues raised in the public session included a request that the minutes be more assessable to the public, and a report that traffic continued to speed through the village.
The Chairman reported that he had spoken to the police to look at the options to address this traffic matter. Cllr J Rowe has also spoken to Cornwall Council about installing a temporary speed advisory sign which recorded dates and traffic information. The parishioners were advised to visit the monthly police mobile surgery when it visited the village and talk to PCSO Lloyd Paynter.
Police: No report received as PCSO Paynter was away until the 18th May 2013.
Cornwall Council: Cllr J Rowe was congratulated on his re-election a Councillor for the St Tudy & St Issey ward which included the parish of St Mabyn.
Cllr Rowe reported on the many changes in councilors since the 2nd May 2013 elections, with a split party council of Liberal Democrats, Independent, Conservative, Labour, UKIP, Mebyon Kernow, Green Party and a other groups with no party having overall control. The first meeting of the new council would be held on the 21st May 2013.
4. Election of Chairman for the forthcoming year: It was proposed by Cllr Mrs A Bunney and seconded by Cllr R Chadwick that Cllr A Finnamore be re-elected as Chairman. There were no other nominations. Cllr M Menhenitt abstained, all other Councillors were in favour. Cllr A Finnamore accepted the position.
Election of Vice Chairman: It was proposed by Cllr Mrs A Bunney and seconded by Cllr R Chadwick that Cllr M Grigg be elected as Vice Chairman. There were no other nominations. All were in favour. Cllr M Grigg accepted the position.
5. Election of Committees for the forthcoming year – Planning / Staffing and Contractors:
Planning – Cllrs. Mrs C Bray, Mrs A Bunney and M Grigg were elected onto this committee.
Staffing / Contractors – It was agreed that the Chairman and Vice Chairman should both be on this committee. Cllrs elected were A Finnamore (Chairman), M Grigg (Vice Chairman), Mrs A Bunney, M Menhenitt.
6. Members Declaration of Interest: None declared at this stage of the meeting.
7. Minutes: The Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on the 2nd April 2013, as circulated, were confirmed and signed by the Chairman.
The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 2nd April 2013, as circulated, were confirmed and signed by the Chairman.
8. Matters Arising:
Annual Parish Meeting :
Item 3 Minutes – The Clerk confirmed that the report read by Cllr Mrs H Barrett was presented at the Parish Council Meeting held on the 1st May 2012 and not at the Annual Parish Meeting on 3rd April 2012 as indicated by Cllr Mrs Barrett. The Clerk had copied the report and minutes of the 1st May 2012 meeting to Mrs Barrett and councilors on the staffing committee.
Parish Council Meeting:
Item 5 (12.2) Seat at “The Cresent” - The Chairman offered to refurbish the seat on “The Cresent” if the local resident was unable to do so.
Item 5 (13a) St Mabyn Memorial Hall – Cllr M Grigg reported that he had spoken to the young farmers about their vehicle parking and behaviour when using the Hall.
Item 13b) Parking - The police will look at the parking situation around the public house when visiting the village.
Item 13d) St Mabyn Memorial Hall - It was noted that the lack of heating at the last meeting was not owing to the breakdown of the heating system as stated, but because the heating was not switched on.
9. Planning Applications / Planning Matters: There were no applications presented by the Planning Committee and no decisions reported.
Cllr J Rowe reported that Cornwall Council were to look at the strategies for solar energy and wind turbine applications.
10. Accounts / Financial Matters: Councillors approved the cheque payments presented. The finance reports is issued as Part 2 of these minutes.
Cllr M Menhenitt, on behalf of the Staffing Committee, explained to Councillors how the clerks hourly rate had been increased in line with the National Association of Local Councils pay scale. The hours remained the same.
10.1 Audit 2012/2013: The Clerk presented each councillor with a copy of the audited accounts for the year ended 31st March 2013. The Annual Audit Return Form was passed amongst councillors and then completed. The form was signed by the Chairman and Clerk.
10.2 Non Domestic Rates for Public Toilets in 2010/2011: The Clerk had obtained further information on the matter raised by former Cllr Mrs H Barrett under Item 10 of the previous meeting. It was agreed to discuss this in the Closed Session at Item 18 of this meeting.
10 3. Bank Account Mandate: The Clerk presented the bank account mandate to be updated by Councillors. The bank will be informed to remove signatories of those no longer on the Parish Council.
11. CC Local Maintenance Project – Footpaths: The contractor will be instructed to check the public rights of way. The Clerk had received the documents for the 2013/2014 maintenance year.
12. Playing Field: Cllr R Chadwick reported on recent inspections that identified the deterioration at the bottom of the slide. The grass was quite long but this was possibly due to the contractor being unable to carry out this work because of the wet conditions over the past few weeks.
Rubbish from a neighbouring property was still in the field.
Cllr M Menhenitt asked Councillors to offer their time to help refurbish the equipment and parish seats etc. Volunteers could also be sought for the work in washing down the equipment in preparation for
re-staining. The Chairman offered to make a list of the work required.
The Chairman agreed to complete the inspections for the forthcoming month.
13. Neighbourhood Plan – to consider the contents of the Cornwall Core Strategy document, and the advantages of creating a parish plan: Councillors agreed to await the further training being offered by Cornwall Council before making a decision to create a parish plan or a parish development order.
Cllr J Rowe notified the Parish Council that they could take into account the number of properties recently developed at the Mabena Lea site when considering developments for either plan.
14. Correspondence:
Cycle West Project - Notification of the new sections of cycle path being developed in Cornwall and Devon
Western Power Distribution – Information on power cuts and improving the electricity network.
15. To Agree / Discuss
15.1 Cornwall Community Network – to appoint a representative to attend the Community Network Meetings: The Clerk and Cllr Mrs A Bunney were appointed to attend these meetings on behalf of the Parish Council. The Clerk will advise the Community Network admin team that Mrs Barrett is no longer a councillor for St Mabyn.
As no recent meetings had been held there was nothing to report.
15.2 Advertising the Parish Council Vacancies: Notices had been provided for the parish notice boards. It was agreed that this information be published in the “Down your Way” St Mabyn section of the Cornish Guardian newspaper.
The Clerk had received a letter from Mr Guy Brindle stating that owing to work and other commitments he would not be standing for co-option to return to the Parish Council.
16. Parish Matters / Any other Business:
16.1 Bag of road salt: It was agreed that the quality of the salt would have deteriorated and that it be disposed of.
16.2 Public Toilets: Local electrician Mr David Masters will be asked to look at the problems with the lighting in the public toilets, and while carrying out this work for the Parish Council be asked to test the electricity supply in the shed at the playing field.
16.2 Dog Faeces: Dogs mess around the village continued to be a problem. The Clerk will obtain additional “dog fouling”notices. Cllr J Rowe will ask Cornwall Council to trim back the overgrown area around the dog bin.
16.3 Highway Matters: Cornwall Council will be asked to clean the local road signs and to look at the depression in the road near Tredinnick House. Potholes at Trevilder were in Egloshayle parish.
17. Date of next Meeting: Tuesday, 4th June 2013
18. To close the Meeting: There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.05pm.
The Chairman asked the Clerk and Councillors to remain for a closed session (minutes recorded separately).