St Mabyn Village News
News from the village of St.Mabyn in North Cornwall...
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Saturday, October 11, 2014
St Mabyn Book Swap
St Mabyn monthly Book Swap is back! Come to the Coffee Lounge in the
St Mabyn Post Office and Stores between 10 am and 12 noon on Saturday
25 October. There will be a variety of books from thrillers to cookery
for you to choose to take home with you. Do not worry if you do not
have a book to swap, you are very welcome to take any book home with
Look forward to seeing you and having a friendly chat over a cup of coffee.
Look forward to seeing you and having a friendly chat over a cup of coffee.
St Mabyn Parish Council meeting 2nd September 2014
Minutes of the Meeting of St Mabyn Parish Council held on Tuesday, 2nd September 2014 in the Memorial Hall, St Mabyn at 7.30pm.
Present: Cllrs. M Grigg (Chairman), Mrs A Martin (Vice Chairman), Mrs P Lloyd, D Masters,
M. Menhenitt, A Finnamore.
Also attending: Mrs J Hoskin (Parish Clerk)
One member of the public
1.Public Session: No matters raised.
Cornwall Council - Cllr J Rowe apologised for not being able to attend regular meetings of the Parish Council, and updated Councillors on Cornwall Council matters. The Councils draft budget had been published on the 1st September 2014 and was available on the Cornwall Council website. Various departments such as adult social care and children’s services were protected within the budget and Parish & Town Councils will be invited to take on additional services. The budget was available for public consultation from the 4th September 2014 to 16th October 2014.
The Council were retaining the leisure centers for the immediate future. Repairs to the coastal storm damage were taking some of the reserved funds. Funding for “Visit Cornwall’ would be cut and staff numbers would be reduced mainly through retirement or not replacing staff leaving Cornwall Council.
Cllr Rowe was asked if the allocated number of new homes to be built in Cornwall was necessary.
2. Apologies for non attendance were received from Cllrs. R Chadwick, R Clark, Mrs C Bray,
PCSO Linda Thomas (Police Community Support Officer).
Resignation: The Council accepted the written resignation from Cllr S Collop and instructed the Clerk to notify Cornwall Council.
3. Members Declarations of Interest: None declared at this stage of the meeting.
4. Minutes: The Minutes of the Meeting held on the 5th August 2014, as circulated were approved and signed by the Chairman.
5. Matters Arising:
Item 1 – Public Session: The Chairman, Cllr M Grigg stated that he had received an apology from
Mrs Barrett having wrongly stated that certain minutes had not been published in the notice board.
Item 5 (13) – Public Toilets: Cllr Mrs A Martin reported that she had been monitoring the cleanliness of the public toilets and they were being kept to an acceptable standard. Cllr D Maters reported that he had fitted a key switch to allow the cleaner to switch on the lights during the daytime, if needed.
Item 12 -Defibrillator for Parish: It was agreed that a representative from FLEET be invited to attend a meeting at 7.00pm prior to a Parish Council meeting. The Clerk will arrange this.
6. Planning Applications / Planning Matters:
PA14/07390 Mr Grahma Smith, West End Cottage, Station Road, St Mabyn –
Crown lift mature Luscombe Oak. Support.
Planning Decisions:
PA14/03759 Mr Laurence Cooper, land opposite Park View, Wadebridge Road, St Mabyn – Construction of detached dwelling and conversion of existing barn. Approved.
7. Accounts / Financial Matters: Councillors approved the cheque payments presented. The finance report is issued as Part 2 of these Minutes.
Appointment of Auditor: The Council agreed to enter into a contract with Mr K Abraham (South and West Internal Audit).
Providing a defibrillator for the parish – cost to purchase this equipment: Discussed under Item 5 of this meeting.
8. CC LMP Footpaths: Update on trimming of paths: Some paths had been trimmed. Cllr D Masters will contact a local landowner to ask that they trim the path routes going across their land.
9. Playing Field – to receive the monthly inspections report / trimming of boundary hedges.
Costs to repair / replace tyre swing equipment (currently removed off site):
Cllr D Masters presented the monthly inspection report stating that the tyre swing had been removed from site due to health and safety. It was agreed that the Clerk obtains costs to repair / replace this item of equipment and was authorised to liaise with the Chairman to have repair work completed if costs were within the agreed budget for this work.
A seat requiring some repairs will be placed in the shed.
Cllr D Masters will obtain new shackle fittings for the swings. Cllr D Masters also agreed to speak to another adjacent landowner depositing hedge cuttings onto playing field land.
Costs to replace some of the wooden fence posts on the lower entrance were agreed.
British Telecom had contacted the Chairman with a proposal to install a fibre optic cable through the playing field to extend and improve the internet coverage in the village. Councillors were happy for this work to go ahead, stating that the field would be closed on the days when work was being carried out.
Councillors agreed to defer the purchasing of new bins and a seat. It was suggested that the Council considers any plans for the future with the possibility of providing additional equipment to encourage adult fitness, additional picnic tables and a covered area for seating.
10. Correspondence:
Treworder Solar Farm Community Grant Committee – It was agreed that the Clerk, Cllr M Grigg and Cllr M Menhenitt be nominated to attend meetings of the committee, if available.
Litter around the parish: An email from a local residents expressed their concerns about the amount of litter particularly along the road from the village to the A390 at St Kew Highway. Councillors were asked to look at this when driving along this road.
Cornwall Council – Cornwall Local Plan Strategic Policies – public consultation 4th September 2014 to 16th October. This information will be placed in the notice board.
11. To Agree / Discuss:
Provision of a Parish Council notice board in Station Road – update: Matter ongoing, the contractor appointed to provide the board had started the work.
Report from Community Network Meeting – The next meeting was being held on the
2nd October 2014 (AGM)
Report from Treworder Solar Farm grant allocation committee, if available: Discussed under Item 10 of this meeting.
Public Toilets – cleaning / maintenance work: Reported under Item 5 of this meeting.
Repainting of Parish Notice Boards / Bus Shelter: Cllr M Menhenitt had obtained the paint for this work.
The Planning Inspectorate: Notification on further amendment to the order granting development consent for the A30 Temple to Higher Carblake road improvement.
12. Parish Matters / Any other Business:
Weed Spraying: The grass cutting contractor will be asked to spray the weeds behind the bus shelter in the village.
Overgrown Hedges: It was agreed that letters be sent to some residents of Watergate Lane reminding them of their responsibility to trim boundary hedges adjacent to the public highway.
Street Light: Three street lights on the approach to the village, near Eastleigh Cottage were overgrown by trees. Cornwall Council will be notified.
Dog Fouling: The dog fouling around the village will be monitored although it was generally felt this had improved.
13. Date of next Meeting: Tuesday, 7th October 2014.
14. To close the Meeting to the public. There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.30pm, followed by a closed session when the Clerk updated the Council on matters relating to the CC Legal Department and the ICO.
Present: Cllrs. M Grigg (Chairman), Mrs A Martin (Vice Chairman), Mrs P Lloyd, D Masters,
M. Menhenitt, A Finnamore.
Also attending: Mrs J Hoskin (Parish Clerk)
One member of the public
1.Public Session: No matters raised.
Cornwall Council - Cllr J Rowe apologised for not being able to attend regular meetings of the Parish Council, and updated Councillors on Cornwall Council matters. The Councils draft budget had been published on the 1st September 2014 and was available on the Cornwall Council website. Various departments such as adult social care and children’s services were protected within the budget and Parish & Town Councils will be invited to take on additional services. The budget was available for public consultation from the 4th September 2014 to 16th October 2014.
The Council were retaining the leisure centers for the immediate future. Repairs to the coastal storm damage were taking some of the reserved funds. Funding for “Visit Cornwall’ would be cut and staff numbers would be reduced mainly through retirement or not replacing staff leaving Cornwall Council.
Cllr Rowe was asked if the allocated number of new homes to be built in Cornwall was necessary.
2. Apologies for non attendance were received from Cllrs. R Chadwick, R Clark, Mrs C Bray,
PCSO Linda Thomas (Police Community Support Officer).
Resignation: The Council accepted the written resignation from Cllr S Collop and instructed the Clerk to notify Cornwall Council.
3. Members Declarations of Interest: None declared at this stage of the meeting.
4. Minutes: The Minutes of the Meeting held on the 5th August 2014, as circulated were approved and signed by the Chairman.
5. Matters Arising:
Item 1 – Public Session: The Chairman, Cllr M Grigg stated that he had received an apology from
Mrs Barrett having wrongly stated that certain minutes had not been published in the notice board.
Item 5 (13) – Public Toilets: Cllr Mrs A Martin reported that she had been monitoring the cleanliness of the public toilets and they were being kept to an acceptable standard. Cllr D Maters reported that he had fitted a key switch to allow the cleaner to switch on the lights during the daytime, if needed.
Item 12 -Defibrillator for Parish: It was agreed that a representative from FLEET be invited to attend a meeting at 7.00pm prior to a Parish Council meeting. The Clerk will arrange this.
6. Planning Applications / Planning Matters:
PA14/07390 Mr Grahma Smith, West End Cottage, Station Road, St Mabyn –
Crown lift mature Luscombe Oak. Support.
Planning Decisions:
PA14/03759 Mr Laurence Cooper, land opposite Park View, Wadebridge Road, St Mabyn – Construction of detached dwelling and conversion of existing barn. Approved.
7. Accounts / Financial Matters: Councillors approved the cheque payments presented. The finance report is issued as Part 2 of these Minutes.
Appointment of Auditor: The Council agreed to enter into a contract with Mr K Abraham (South and West Internal Audit).
Providing a defibrillator for the parish – cost to purchase this equipment: Discussed under Item 5 of this meeting.
8. CC LMP Footpaths: Update on trimming of paths: Some paths had been trimmed. Cllr D Masters will contact a local landowner to ask that they trim the path routes going across their land.
9. Playing Field – to receive the monthly inspections report / trimming of boundary hedges.
Costs to repair / replace tyre swing equipment (currently removed off site):
Cllr D Masters presented the monthly inspection report stating that the tyre swing had been removed from site due to health and safety. It was agreed that the Clerk obtains costs to repair / replace this item of equipment and was authorised to liaise with the Chairman to have repair work completed if costs were within the agreed budget for this work.
A seat requiring some repairs will be placed in the shed.
Cllr D Masters will obtain new shackle fittings for the swings. Cllr D Masters also agreed to speak to another adjacent landowner depositing hedge cuttings onto playing field land.
Costs to replace some of the wooden fence posts on the lower entrance were agreed.
British Telecom had contacted the Chairman with a proposal to install a fibre optic cable through the playing field to extend and improve the internet coverage in the village. Councillors were happy for this work to go ahead, stating that the field would be closed on the days when work was being carried out.
Councillors agreed to defer the purchasing of new bins and a seat. It was suggested that the Council considers any plans for the future with the possibility of providing additional equipment to encourage adult fitness, additional picnic tables and a covered area for seating.
10. Correspondence:
Treworder Solar Farm Community Grant Committee – It was agreed that the Clerk, Cllr M Grigg and Cllr M Menhenitt be nominated to attend meetings of the committee, if available.
Litter around the parish: An email from a local residents expressed their concerns about the amount of litter particularly along the road from the village to the A390 at St Kew Highway. Councillors were asked to look at this when driving along this road.
Cornwall Council – Cornwall Local Plan Strategic Policies – public consultation 4th September 2014 to 16th October. This information will be placed in the notice board.
11. To Agree / Discuss:
Provision of a Parish Council notice board in Station Road – update: Matter ongoing, the contractor appointed to provide the board had started the work.
Report from Community Network Meeting – The next meeting was being held on the
2nd October 2014 (AGM)
Report from Treworder Solar Farm grant allocation committee, if available: Discussed under Item 10 of this meeting.
Public Toilets – cleaning / maintenance work: Reported under Item 5 of this meeting.
Repainting of Parish Notice Boards / Bus Shelter: Cllr M Menhenitt had obtained the paint for this work.
The Planning Inspectorate: Notification on further amendment to the order granting development consent for the A30 Temple to Higher Carblake road improvement.
12. Parish Matters / Any other Business:
Weed Spraying: The grass cutting contractor will be asked to spray the weeds behind the bus shelter in the village.
Overgrown Hedges: It was agreed that letters be sent to some residents of Watergate Lane reminding them of their responsibility to trim boundary hedges adjacent to the public highway.
Street Light: Three street lights on the approach to the village, near Eastleigh Cottage were overgrown by trees. Cornwall Council will be notified.
Dog Fouling: The dog fouling around the village will be monitored although it was generally felt this had improved.
13. Date of next Meeting: Tuesday, 7th October 2014.
14. To close the Meeting to the public. There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.30pm, followed by a closed session when the Clerk updated the Council on matters relating to the CC Legal Department and the ICO.