Notes from the agreed October 2008 Minutes St Mabyn Parish Council.
Mike Haywood raised the subject of the global financial situation concerning the current prices of fuel, unemployment levels, house prices, the cost of living and the effect, he felt, this could have on the village and the people of the rural community. Mr Haywood asked if the Parish Council had considered a contingency plan. Cllr C Barry offered to seek information from the County Council as to their emergency planning.
District Council Cllr C Mutton reported on the ongoing work of the Implementation Executive Committee overseeing the transition of the new “One Cornwall” unitary authority. The existing planning authorities will be divided into three areas, with the current North Cornwall and Caradon Districts becoming one area. with the proposal that meetings be held alternatively at Camelford and Liskeard once every three weeks.
A new two year government scheme will offer free swimming for the over 60’s with effect from the 1st April 2008.
Police Report: The Police were asking people to be aware of two males travelling around rural areas in a red van offering loft insulation.
Public Toilets: The toilets were being locked at night, but it was noted that the lights were on throughout these hours. It was suggested that a sensor be fitted.
Dog Fouling: The Chairman had witnessed dogs on The Cresent. The Clerk had obtained some “Dog Fouling” notices from the District Council and they have been displayed in this area.
Planning Decisions received from the District Council:-
2008/00183 Midas Homes Ltd, Land between Chapel Lane and Chestnut Drive, St Mabyn – Outline permission for the erection of 35 dwellings – Approved. Various issues concerning this application continued to be discussed.
2008/01364 Mr A White, Land adjacent 5 Longstone, St Mabyn – Erection of a pair of semi detached dwellings in place of the single dwelling approved under decision 2005/01925 – Approved.
2008/01398 Mr Mutton, Burlerrow, Wadebridge Road, St Mabyn – Erection of miscanthus barn – Approved.
Playing Field/Play Equipment/Signs/Parking: The matting under the swings will be replaced. The concrete tubes are to be removed and the one remaining light column taken down from the old tennis court site, as there was no supply to this equipment.
New signs for the playing field entrance and the public toilets have been ordered.
It was agreed that a further sign be obtained stating “Parking at own Risk” and placed on the site of the old canteen adjacent to the Memorial Hall.
A disabled swing in the playing field is being considered. A handrail had been erected at the main entrance gates to segregate the pedestrian entrance.
Footpath No.5 had been trimmed although the maize crop was fast growing and had been planted too close to the hedge. It was stated that the crop should be harvested within the next few weeks.
Parish Matters:Telephone Kiosk: The light not working in the telephone box will be reported to BT.
Parish Council Vacancy: The one vacancy had been advertised by NCDC. It was resolved that if no election is called, the Clerk will advertise this position to be filled by co-option by the Parish Council.
Directional Sign at Highgates: One arm of the sign had been knocked off. It was agreed that any repairs be deferred until after contractors May Gurney had left the area.
B3266: The Council noted a report of a motorbike travelling in excess of the speed limit through Longstone on the 28th September 2008. The police had been informed.
Site of the Old Filling Station at Longstone: Local residents in the vicinity of the old filling station had received notification that a water interest survey was to be carried out on behalf of the Environment Agency, in relation to the development of the site. As part of the development, it is proposed that a secondary treatment works with a new soakaway be built in the garden of the existing bungalow. The Parish Council will seek clarification on this matter.
The Crescent: Parking problems had arisen at The Crescent owing to the number of vehicles owned by the house occupiers and the availability of the parking bays for tenants, in relation to those available for the private householders.
Date of next Meeting: Tuesday, 2nd December 2008. All welcome to attend.
Cllr Helen Barrett