St Mabyn Village News
News from the village of St.Mabyn in North Cornwall...
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Our Feb meeting was on an especially chilly night so how glad we were to hear Sandra Goodswen talk about hot/sunny Morocco! A regular speaker at our meetings, Sandra photos were – as always - top notch and we enjoyed pictures of her trek through an area of Morocco from Marrakech to the coast. Much of the route was on foot but assisted by donkeys who carried the baggage, including the camping equipment and the mess tent!
The up and down and sheer drops of the walking were reminiscent of the SW coastal path! However scorpions, juniper groves, peach and orange tree orchards, Berber head gear, jacarandas, cacti and snow covered mountain backdrops were somewhat different to Cornwall!
We learnt about Moroccan terrace farming and irrigation, saw various types of “hedgehog plants” which had adapted to the anti social conditions on the mountain slopes and we admired her daily walking schedule.
An interesting talk beautifully illustrated by her photography.
Many thanks Sandra.
Our next garden club meeting is on Wed 11th March when Martin Lake of Cornwall Compost at Tintern Manor St Tudy will be talking to us about his business and products at 7.30 in St Mabyn Village Hall. As always, visitors are very welcome to join us.
A polite reminder to club members that as Spring isn’t too far away, we have again started to sell plants at our meetings, so please bring any spare cuttings, seedlings, plants etc – all to boost club funds!
Also, arrangements for our annual club outing (by coach) on Wed 20th of May are almost finalised so book your place at 11th March meeting.
Happy gardening – but wrap up well!
Greta DF
Sec St Mabyn Garden Club.
01 208 841160
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Parish Council meeting minutes January 2015
Minutes of the Meeting of St Mabyn Parish Council held on Tuesday, 6th January 2015 in the Memorial Hall, St Mabyn at 7.30pm.
Present: Cllrs. M Grigg (Chairman), Mrs A Martin (Vice Chairman), Mrs P Lloyd, Mrs C Bray, D Masters,
R Chadwick, A Finnamore, R Clark, M Menhenitt (Arrived at 7.44pm)
Also attending: Mrs J Hoskin (Parish Clerk)
Eight members of the public
1.Public Session: The Chairman opened the meeting by wishing everyone a Happy New Year and invited the members of the public to address the Council, if they so wished.
Local resident Mrs B Flint reported on the noise coming from the agricultural machinery / driers at Burlerrow Farm and the impact from the dust of the machine.
Mr & Mrs Abbott reported on the decision by Cornwall Council to refuse their Planning Application PA14/10397 and the Parish Councils responses to this application.
Mr Stuart Renshaw (School Academy) and Mrs Karen Holmes (St Mabyn School Headteacher) spoke about options to re-open the pre-school in St Mabyn, and further plans for the future, initially starting with Phase 1 to re-open the pre-school in the village once certain improvements at the Memorial Hall (fencing / safeguarding issues) had been made.. Phase 2 included plans to create a car park for users of the school, church, hall and public. Phase 3 would then develop purpose built premises for the pre-school moving the facility into a building adjacent to the school grounds. However there needed to be an agreement with the Diocese to lease the land, and development costs and ongoing running costs had to be met, and depending on the final annual rent it was hoped this could be financially supported by the Parish Council, Hall, School and Church. Plans were only in the infancy stage although it was hoped the plans for the Academy would be supported and the pre-school could be re-opened with the next few months.
Cllr D Masters stated that he was meeting Western Power who are proposing to alter services over the old canteen site and this may be advantageous for the creation on a new entrance onto the Glebe land.
The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and closed the public session at 8.10pm having extended the length of time to allow reports to be presented.
(Seven members of the public left the meeting)
At this point of the Meeting Cllr R Clarke notified fellow Councillors of his recent ill health and the likelihood of him not being able to attend meetings for the forthcoming few months. Councillors expressed their good wishes to Cllr R Clarke and looked forward to his return. Cllr R Clark left the meeting at 8.15pm.
Cornwall Council: No report received.
Police – PCSO Linda Thomas notified the Council of two domestic incidents reported over the Christmas period. An incident involving a dog had also occurred at Colquite Wood.
It was hoped that a meeting could be arranged with a ‘cluster’ of Parish Councils to discuss the way forward with policing and road traffic orders . One order could cover ten different schemes and the cost could be divided between the parishes concerned.
The police surgery dates for 2015 would be published.
2. Apologies: There were no apologies for non attendance.
3. Members Declarations of Interest: None declared at this stage of the Meeting.
4. Minutes: The Minutes of the Meeting held on the 2nd December 2014, as circulated, were approved and signed by the Chairman following the spelling of the name “Mutton’.
The Minutes of the Meeting held on the 16th December 2014, as circulated, were approved and signed by the Chairman.
5. Matters Arising:
Meeting – 2nd December 2014:
Item 12 a) Highway Matters. Cllr M Menhenitt reported that some potholes had been filled.
Meeting – 16th December 2014: There were no matters arising from these minutes.
6. Planning Applications: There were no applications presented by the Planning Committee or tabled for consideration at this meeting.
Planning Matters:
PA14/10397 The Clerk reported on the refusal for Mr & Mrs Abbotts planning application (reported under Item 1 of this meeting). Also the history of the site was noted with the refusal of outline planning for a dwelling in 2012 (PA12/12041) and the pre-planning advice given by the Planning Department in June 2012 (PA12/01600).
Burlerrow Farm – Development of building for Michantus operations: Following the report under Item 1 of this meeting the Chairman agreed to again contact Mr Mutton (owner). It was noted that operations were to change in relation to the machinery and fans used.
St Mabyn Inn – It was reported that following the refurbishment of the public house the soakaway was now running alongside the public footpath in the Glebe field. A sealed manhole cover had not been installed and this caused a bad odour in the surrounding atmosphere. Cllr A Finnamore will contact the landlord of the public house.
7. Accounts / Financial Matters: The Council approved the cheque payments presented. The finance report is issued as Part 2 of these minutes.
8. CC LMP Footpaths: The Contractor was currently unable to complete the trimming work. Councillors were happy for this work to be deferred and agreed there was no urgency for completion.
9. Playing Field: Cllr A Finnamore gave a verbal report on recent inspections with no urgent matters to report.
The Clerk will arrange for the Outdoor Play People to attend a site meeting to discuss options for replacing the “A” frame tyre swing.
The Chairman had made arrangements for the boundary hedges to be trimmed and this work would be carried out in better weather conditions.
Cllr R Chadwick offered to carry out forthcoming inspections.
Councillors discussed the renewal of the grass cutting contract with effect from the 1st April 2015 and agreed to place this item on the agenda for the next meeting.
10. Correspondence:
- Mr Ron Heath – Further correspondence had been received from Mr Ron Heath. Deferred to a closed session at the end of this meeting.
11. To Agree / Discuss:
- Provision of a Parish Council notice board in Station Road – update: The board was nearing completion.
- Report from Community Network Meeting, if available: The Clerk presented information from the meeting held on the 11th December 2014.
- Parish Council Vacancy: Deferred to a closed session at the end of this meeting.
- Providing a defibrillator for the parish – update: Money raised by the landlord at the St Mabyn Inn had reached almost £500. The Post Office / Shop had offered to have a collection box in the store. Cllr R Clark was unable to pursue funding from the British Heart Foundation and Cllr Mrs C Bray agreed to continue with this. It was suggested that the Wadebridge Lions be asked to make a financial contribution.
- Replacing / relocating the bus shelter in the village (opposite the pub): Cormac had been asked to attend a site meeting to discuss options available.
- Provision of a Car Park for Village: Reported under Item 1 of this meeting.
Councillors were aware that adaptions to the Hall were needed to enable the pre-school to return and this would include erecting a fence at the front of the building, that will require the entrance to the public toilets being changed. The Hall Committee were meeting on the
8th January 2015 and will contact the Parish Council should plans progress.
It was felt that more information should be provided before the Parish Council will consider entering into any agreement for the development of a car park.
12. Parish Matters / Any other Business:
- Potholes had appeared in the area outside the public house leading to the church steps. This will be reported to Cornwall Council.
- Overgrown hedges in the village were again reported and the owners will be notified.
13. Date of next Meeting: Tuesday, 3rd February 2015.
14. To close the Meeting to the public. Closed session if required.
There being no further business for this meeting the Chairman closed the proceedings at 9.43pm
asking Councillors to remain for a closed session. (Minutes separately recorded)
Parish Council meeting minutes December 2014
Minutes of the Meeting of St Mabyn Parish Council held on Tuesday, 2nd December 2014 in the Memorial Hall, St Mabyn at 7.30pm.
(Minutes drafted by the Clerk from the notes taken by Cllr Mrs P Lloyd)
Present: Cllrs. M Grigg (Chairman), A Finnamore, Mrs P Lloyd, D Masters, R Chadwick, M Menhenitt.
Also attending: PCSO Linda Thomas (Police Neighbourhood Officer)
Five members of the public
1.Public Session: The Members of the public were invited to address the Council, if they so wished.
Mr Neil Farrington (Community Energy Plus) spoke about the work of his organisation and funding available from renewable energy projects, in particular a community scheme for St Mabyn. Further information will be provided on developing ideas and the holding of a community consultation event.
It was noted that a planning application for a community scheme had not been received.
Local resident Mr Ian Kemp felt a community renewable energy scheme could be beneficial for parishioners.
Cornwall Council: No report received.
Police: PCSO Linda Thomas reported incidents during November being the criminal damage to a vehicle, and two assaults outside the St Mabyn Inn public house. All incidents were under investigation.
PCSO Thomas offered to assist with the relocation of the bus shelter and funding, if available.
2. Apologies for non attendance were received from Cllrs. Mrs A Martin (Vice Chairman), Mrs C Bray,
Mr R Clark. Mrs J Hoskin (Parish Clerk).
3. Members Declarations of Interest: None declared at this stage of the meeting.
4. Minutes: The Minutes of the Meeting held on the 4th November 2014, as circulated were approved following an amendment to Item 1 (deletion of a sentence in the police report). It was agreed these minutes be reprinted and signed at the next meeting.
5. Matters Arising:
Item 5 (12) Weed Spraying – The Clerk will be asked to again contact the contractor about the weed spraying behind the bus shelter.
Item 5 (12) Dog Fouling – It was suggested that the Council obtains ‘glow in the dark’ dog fouling notices from Keep Britain Tidy, if available.
Item 8 CC LMP Footpaths - Mr Mutton (tenant) had offered to look at the stone hedge on the footpath below the village green and would repair, if required.
Item 11 – Replacing / relocating the bus shelter in the village (opposite the pub) - The Chairman explained to those absent at the last meeting, the Councils reasons for relocating the bus shelter.
6. Planning Applications / Planning Matters: The Council accepted the recommendations from the planning committee.
PA14/09264 Mr Bernard Bartlett, Colquite Cottage, Washaway, Bodmin –
Replacement of front modern windows with bay windows to original design, erection of extensions to rear of house and erection of detached double garage with store over. Support.
PA14/10053 Messrs. CB & JBS Mutton, Burlerrow, Wadebridge Road, St Mabyn –
Proposed new feed barn. Support.
PA14/10397 Mr & Mrs P Abbott, Land West of Tregaddock House, Tregaddock Lane, St Mabyn – Outline planning permission with some matters reserved. Erection of a dwelling and domestic garage and alterations to existing access. The Parish Council support the construction of a dwelling on this site but recommend the design is a dormer bungalow and not a house.
PA14/10800 Mr Robert Davey, land East of 4 Longstone, St Mabyn –
Erection of 2 No. 4 bedroom detached dwellings within the former garden of No. 4 Longstone,
St Mabyn. The Parish Council support the principle of the dwellings but recommend the designs have dormer windows facing South so this would protect the privacy of the dwellings opposite the site and would not overlook the road.
7. Accounts / Financial Matters: The Council approved the cheque payments presented. The finance report is issued as Part 2 of these minutes.
Precept for 2015/2016: Agreed to hold another meeting on the 16th December 2014 to discuss / agree the precept for the forthcoming financial year. The full council were not available at this meeting and the Clerk was also absent.
8. CC LMP Footpaths: Discussed under Item 5 of this meeting.
9. Playing Field: Cllr R Chadwick reported on recent inspections, identifying the grass was very long but had been cut today after the contractor had been contacted. It was agreed that the wording on the contract be reviewed in relation to the picking up of the grass, and the trimming of brambles etc. for the future. Councillors felt the field was generally looking untidy.
Cllr M Grigg and M Menhenitt had met to discuss the work required to the boundary hedges and would arrange for work to be carried out.
Cllr A Finnamore offered to carry out inspections for the forthcoming month.
10. Correspondence: No correspondence reported.
11. To Agree / Discuss:
- Provision of a Parish Notice Board in Station Road – update. It was noted that the project was ‘work in progress’.
- Report from Community Network Meeting, if available. No report received.
- Parish Council Vacancy (1) – co-option of Councillor. No applications received.
- Providing a defibrillator for the parish. Nothing to report, Clerk to action order for this equipment.
- Replacing / relocating the bus shelter in the village (opposite the pub): Discussed under Item 1 (Police Report). Nothing further to report.
- Provision of car park for Village – update from outside organisations, if available: Agreed to invited representatives from outside organisations and the school to attend the next meeting to update the Parish Council on the proposals for a car park.
12. Parish Matters / Any other Business:
a) Highway Matters – Potholes at Greenwix and Station Road were identified. Cllr M Menhenitt offered to contact Cornwall Council / Cormac.
Cllr D Masters felt it would be a good idea to advertise the free Cormac ‘tool kit’ trailer on the parish notice board to inform local organisations of this facility.
b) Site of the old Filling Station at Longstone: The question was asked as to what was happening with the site? The Parish Council had no information on this.
13. Date of next Meetings: Extra Meeting on the 16th December 2014 to discuss precept.
Next Full Council Meeting – Tuesday, 6th January 2015.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.53pm. No Closed Session required.
Parish Council meeting minutes November 2014
Minutes of the Meeting of St Mabyn Parish Council held on Tuesday, 4th November 2014 in the Memorial Hall, St Mabyn at 7.40pm.
Present: Cllrs. M Grigg (Chairman), Mrs A Martin (Vice Chairman), D Masters, R Chadwick, M Menhneitt,
R Clark.
Also attending: Mrs J Hoskin (Parish Clerk)
PCSO Linda Thomas (Police Neighbourhood Team) arrived at 8.05pm.
At this point of the meeting it was agreed that the Clerk contacts the Hall Booking Secretary stating that the Parish Council requires the Hall from 7.00pm on the first Tuesday of each month. A keep fit group had a booking prior to the Parish Council meeting and had not finished until 7.30pm causing a delay to the start of the meeting.
1.Public Session: There were no members of the public present.
Cornwall Council : No report received.
Police: PCSO Linda Thomas present the police report. PCSO Thomas had been away from work for the past six weeks so had been unable to visit the village. Figures indicated no reported crimes from July to the end of October 2014. Cllr Mrs C Bray highlighted an incident at her home but it was noted that this crime had been reported in Wadebridge so was not recorded under the Bodmin Rural Neighbourhood area.
A theft of milk from the shop had not been reported as a crime and the police had identified the culprit and the matter had been dealt with.
PCSO Thomas continued to visit the school and discussions were being held about a traffic survey / speed watch involving the children.
PC Laurie O’Toole felt the Council had no issues with the parking on the road / pavement adjacent to the public house, but it was confirmed this was not the case and the Council welcomed the support of the police in addressing these problems. It was noted that no alternative parking areas were available and this did cause problems in this area of the village. If a new parking area was developed, drivers could be asked to park elsewhere.
New legislation had been published in relation to antisocial behavior.
The Police monthly surgeries were likely to be held on a different day to the Parish Council meeting and PCSO Thomas asked for ideas of days / times.
2. Apologies for non attendance were received from Cllrs, Mrs P Lloyd, A Finnamore,
3. Members Declarations of Interest: None declared at this stage of the meeting.
4. Minutes: The Minutes of the Meeting held on the 7th October 2014, as circulated, were approved and signed by the Chairman.
5. Matters Arising:
Item 5 (12) Weed spraying – The question was asked as to whether or not the weed spraying had been done. The Clerk agreed to contact the contractor.
Item 5 (12) Overgrown hedge – Cllr D Masters confirmed the hedge had been trimmed,
Item 8 CC LMP Footpaths – Cllr. D Masters had uncovered the footpath way marker post in Bramble Lane.
Item 12 Dog Fouling – Cllr R Clark had obtained free information posters from Keep Britain Tidy advising dog owners to pick up after their pets. The Council would need to pay for additional posters.
Cllr D Masters will notify the school when the CCTV camera had been installed.
6. Planning Applications / Planning Matters:
PA14/07766 Mr Robert Davey, land east of 4 Longstone, St Mabyn –
Construction of 2 No. detached single family dwellings within the garden of No. 4 Longstone,
St Mabyn. The Clerk advised the Council that this application had been withdrawn on the
28th October 2014.
PA14/09952 and PA14/10100 Messrs. C B and JBS Mutton, Burlerrow Farm, Wadebridge Road,
St Mabyn - Proposed fire destroyed replacement barn – Phase 1 and Phase 2.
The Parish Council support these applications.
At this point of the meeting the noise levels of the micanthus drying machine was reported and the Chairman agreed to contact Mr James Mutton in relation to this.
(PCSO Linda Thomas arrived and presented the police report – recorded under Item 1 of this meeting)
7. Accounts / Financial Matters: Councillors approved the cheque payments presented.
The finance report is issued as Part 2 of these minutes.
Precept for 2015/2016: The Clerk asked Councillors to consider projects and expenditure for the forthcoming year in preparation for setting the precept at the next meeting.
8. CC LMP Foopaths: Also discussed under Item 5 of this meeting.
The Clerk will contact Cornwall Council for a new stile kit.
It was noted that cattle were destroying the stone hedges on the footpath below the village green. The Chairman agreed to contact the tenant farmer /landowner.
9. Playing Field: Cllr D Masters reported on recent inspections with no additional matters identified. The fixings pins on the swings had been replaced.
Having received a quotation for the replacement of the ‘A’ frame tyre swing it was agreed to invite a representative from the Outdoor Play People to a site meeting to discuss the options to repair / replace this equipment.
Cllr M Menhenitt agreed to speak to local contractors about trimming the boundary hedges, inside and outside the field.
Cllr R Chadwick offered to carry out the inspections for the forthcoming month.
10. Correspondence:
- The Saints Way Schools Academy Trust – Information on proposals for a new car park. Agreed to place this item on the agenda for the next meeting. Also and invite to attend the 2nd Anniversary event at St Petroc’s Church, Bodmin on the 1st December 2014.
- Police and Crime Commissioner – Notification of public event and surgeries at Hatherleigh and Launceston on 7th and 14th November 2014 (to be placed on the notice board).
- Clerks & Councils Direct – Magazine
- Peninsula Community Health – Annual Review 2013-2014.
11. To Agree / Discuss:
- Provision of a Parish Council notice board in Station Road – update: Cllr M Menhenitt reported that the notice board was being constructed and near completion.
- Report from Community Network Meeting, if available: No meetings held.
- Parish Council Vacancy (1) to advertise for the co-option of a Councillor: The notices for
co-option had been displayed. Councillors will consider applicants at the next meeting.
- Providing a defibrillator for the parish – to agree a location / date for training: Cllr R Clarke had obtained information from the British Heart Foundation who may provide a donation towards the purchase costs. Councillors authorised Cllr R Clarke to obtain the necessary forms, liase with the Clerk and complete. The landlord of the public house will be thanked for offering to house this equipment, but Councillors agreed the most suitable location would be at the Post Office / Shop. Cllr D Masters agreed to arrange for the required electrical work to be carried out.
The Clerk will place and order for a defibrillator. A donation box will be placed in the post office / shop should members of the public be interested in supporting the purchase / running costs.
A local resident had expressed an interest in carrying out a sponsored bike ride to raise funds.
- Replacing / relocating the bus shelter in the village (opposite the pub): It was agreed that the siting of a bus shelter to the opposite side of the road from the existing structure, on the pavement outside the St Mabyn Inn would be practical. Children already waited on this side of the road to catch the school bus. Enquiries will be made with Cornwall Council to assist with this project in providing a new shelter.
It was reported that a vehicle left behind the existing shelter had no current road fund licence and the car had a flat tyre. Cllr R Chadwick offered to contact the vehicle owner.
12. Parish Matters / Any other Business:
- Village Troughs – Councillors accepted the generous offer from a parishioner willing to re-plant flowers in the troughs.
- Parking at The Cresent – It was noted that there were no allocated parking spaces at The Cresent and any issues relating to parking in the area was a matter for Cornwall Housing and not the Parish Council.
- St Mabyn Inn – The subject of visitors to the public house thought to be drinking and driving the following day was noted.
13. Date of next Meeting: Tuesday, 2nd December 2014.
14. To close the Meeting: There being no further business and no closed session required, the meeting closed at 9.44pm.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Friends of St Mabyn Church Lecture
would be good to see some local support at the next Friends of St Mabyn
Church lecture/lunch on Friday 27 March in the Memorial Hall at 1.00pm.
We will serve home-made casseroles
(with vegetarian option), puddings, wine and coffee, followed by a talk by Dr Owen Gill, entitled:
'The impact on children of having a parent in prison'.
What does Barnardo's do to support children In this situation?. In the UK approximately 200,000 children a year experience parental imprisonment. Research has shown these children often experience physical and mental health effects.They also are far more likely to experience bullying. In addition these children are significantly more likely to offend and end up in prison themselves.What should be our response to the needs of these children? For Barnardo's they are a key target group and the charity has more than a dozen projects working directly with these children.
(with vegetarian option), puddings, wine and coffee, followed by a talk by Dr Owen Gill, entitled:
'The impact on children of having a parent in prison'.
What does Barnardo's do to support children In this situation?. In the UK approximately 200,000 children a year experience parental imprisonment. Research has shown these children often experience physical and mental health effects.They also are far more likely to experience bullying. In addition these children are significantly more likely to offend and end up in prison themselves.What should be our response to the needs of these children? For Barnardo's they are a key target group and the charity has more than a dozen projects working directly with these children.
Tickets are £12.00. Please phone to confirm your places by 25 March. 01028 841 534 or
Monday, February 09, 2015
A poem by Derek Sturch...
Under St. Mabena`s shadow
Its church tower stands above the rest
It`s said the tallest in the West.
Set within the hallowed grounds
That ancient village homes surround,
Comprised of sombre shades of grey
From grey slate roofs to window bays.
St. Mabyn Inn within its shade
On which a sunbeam rarely strays.
Cottage walls, out house and alleys
Where the sunshine rarely dallies.
And roadside dwellings are besmirched
By speeding traffics` spray and dirt.
Its school beside the church yard wall,
Its play ground, shop and village hall
Within the sound of choir and organ
Marriage, Births and people mourning.
History writ on stone and crypt
Shaded `neath this edifice.
Little changed by centuries wear
Beneath the bell tower`s sombre stare.
But sometimes midday sun strays in
To lift the grey of old St.Mabyn.
Its church tower stands above the rest
It`s said the tallest in the West.
Set within the hallowed grounds
That ancient village homes surround,
Comprised of sombre shades of grey
From grey slate roofs to window bays.
St. Mabyn Inn within its shade
On which a sunbeam rarely strays.
Cottage walls, out house and alleys
Where the sunshine rarely dallies.
And roadside dwellings are besmirched
By speeding traffics` spray and dirt.
Its school beside the church yard wall,
Its play ground, shop and village hall
Within the sound of choir and organ
Marriage, Births and people mourning.
History writ on stone and crypt
Shaded `neath this edifice.
Little changed by centuries wear
Beneath the bell tower`s sombre stare.
But sometimes midday sun strays in
To lift the grey of old St.Mabyn.
Thursday, February 05, 2015
St Mabyn Book Swap
St Mabyn Book Swap will be held on Saturday 28 February from 10 am to 12 noon in the Tea Room at St Mabyn Post Office and Stores. Make a date in your diary, come along browse through the books, have a cup of coffee or tea and a friendly chat. All are very welcome. Hope to see you there.
For more information contact Angie Martin 01208 841511
Wednesday, February 04, 2015
St Mabyn Holiday Park Planning Application
Address: St Mabyn Holiday Park St Mabyn Bodmin PL30 3BY
Proposal: Application for relaxation of Condition 3 on Decision Notice PA14/01709 for 'Relaxation of condition 3 attached to E1/78/0619/OOP dated 12 June 1978 relating to "The total number of static vans not to exceed 20 units" to allow the siting of an additional 6 static caravans', namely the condition should be relaxed with respect to one of the static caravans as shown on the attached plans to allow occupancy by a manager or other worker and their dependents of St Mabyn Holiday Park.
Address: St Mabyn Holiday Park St Mabyn Bodmin PL30 3BY
Proposal: Application for relaxation of Condition 3 on Decision Notice PA14/01709 for 'Relaxation of condition 3 attached to E1/78/0619/OOP dated 12 June 1978 relating to "The total number of static vans not to exceed 20 units" to allow the siting of an additional 6 static caravans', namely the condition should be relaxed with respect to one of the static caravans as shown on the attached plans to allow occupancy by a manager or other worker and their dependents of St Mabyn Holiday Park.
Planning Application
Land Opposite Park View Wadebridge Road St Mabyn Bodmin Cornwall PL30 3BQ
Proposal: Proposed detached dwelling and barn conversion
Status: Pending Consideration
Land Opposite Park View Wadebridge Road St Mabyn Bodmin Cornwall PL30 3BQ
Proposal: Proposed detached dwelling and barn conversion
Status: Pending Consideration
Monday, February 02, 2015