Meeting September 2007
8 of the 10 Parish Councillors were present + Cllr C. Mutton (District Council) Cllr C. Brewer (County Council) and 3 members of the public.
Public Session: Members of the public expressed their concerns about the proposed development on land adjacent to Corfe House, St Mabyn. Cllrs C. Mutton and C. Brewer answered question in relation to local District Plan, the Government legislation on the provision of affordable housing, rentable housing, shared ownership, and the development boundary at St Mabyn. Cllrs C. Mutton and C. Brewer reiterated the pleas for the need for affordable housing and asked the Council to identify any area that could be developed for this purpose, within or on the edge of the development boundary.
Cllr C. Brewer reported on the Government decision to accept the County Councils bid for a Unitary Authority for Cornwall. It was anticipated that the County would be covered by 16 network areas, 5 being in North Cornwall.
Planning Matters 2006/02529 Congent (UK) Ltd, Longstone Filling Station:
Correspondence from NCDC confirmed that Parish concerns about site appearance and safety had been passed to the Health & Safety Executive who stated that no action will be taken, because at present, there was no work activity ongoing on the site.
Planning Decisions: 2007/00840 Hellandbridge Properties Limited, Tredethy Mews Cottages, Hellandbridge – Lifting of condition 2 of 78/0348 to provide full residential use of cottages 5, 6, 8 & 9 - Refused.
B3266 at Longstone. The majority of traffic continued to pass thorough Longstone in excess of the recommended 40mph limit. The recently erected mobile speed sign was not currently working but appeared to be in the wrong position and should be moved further back beyond the Longstone junction in the Pencarrow direction.
Parking Area – St Mabyn: The District Council stated that the parking area behind the Bus Shelter belongs to the Parish Council.
CCC Local Maintenance Partnership 2007/2008: The overgrown footpath beyond the school field will be attended to by the contractor. Councillors were asked to monitor the public rights of way.
Date of next Meeting: Tuesday, 6th November 2007.
Cllr Helen Barrett